30 June, 2014

Horse for Sale

Please note that circulation of this advertisement by the Pony Club does not imply any endorsement or warranty of any kind.

Please see the attached advert submitted by the Willman family.

Hi Mike, I have attached an ad for a horse for sale.  She is a fantastic mare but needs a competent & strong rider.  My daughter doesn't have the confidence to ride her which is a real shame. 


Would you mind advertising to the club please?




Plumpton Rally 5th July - from Jane Walsh

There are 2 spaces available in the 2 pm ride (D/D+) and 3 at 3pm ride (C level).

Jane Walsh <walshlewes@hotmail.co.uk>

25 June, 2014

Mini and Junior Camp - check message

Mini and Junior Camp mailings have now gone out to all those who we think are attending these camps EXCEPT any new members joining wef 1st July.

If you think you have booked and HAVE NOT received the forms then please contact Liza Curtis and/or Candy Robbins ASAP so we can make sure we have the records correct!



Note: Please reply to Sonia Harvey; Sarah is on holiday.

Hi everyone
Theses are the names I have so far for the D+/C training on the 5th July, at Wivelsden.
Emily Burden
Francesca Fairhead
Farah Petts
If anyone else would like to come along, please e-mail/ contact SONIA HARVEY, as I am away on holiday.
Many thanks
Sarah Muggeridge

Delmonden ODE from Hazel

Dear All


Romney Marsh are holding their One Day Event at Delmonden again this year on Sunday 3rd August.


If you would like to take part in any of the below classes then please email me your names by Monday 1st July.


Class 1 - mini-mini teams and individuals (level 1). Open to members under 13 on 1.1.14.

Dressage test - PC introductory 2007 (May be called).

Sj - 0.65m

Xc - 0.60m in enclosed field with some "L" fences.


Class 2 - mini teams and individuals (level 2). Open to members 16 and under in 1.1.14.

Dressage - PC introductory 2007

Sj - 0.80m

Xc - 0.75m


Class 3 - novice teams and individuals (level 3). Open to PC members under 18 on 1.1.14.

Dressage - PC novice eventing test 2013.

Sj - 0.90m

Xc - 0.85m




Heart of Sussex Sponsored Ride ... and more - Sunday 7th September

Please note that the event advertised is not organised by, or the responsibility of, the Pony Club. 

Please see the attached Schedule for the BHF sponsored ride.  Branch parent Debbie Medlicott adds:

In addition to the main ride, we will again be having a leading rein section and dog walk (over a much shorter course!) plus clear round jumping. All in aid of the British Heart Foundation. And for those who are mad enough, a cross country run (no horses!!) will be held over the course the previous day.

Many thanks


24 June, 2014

July SJ rallies at South Brockwells

Times for July SJ rallies at South Brockwells Farm L1 & L2 - Instructor Chrissy Wells


If I have missed anyone or you would like to join we have spaces in Class 2 - L2, if you have not paid please confirm payment method by email to sash99@hotmail.co.uk


See you there



Class 1 start 10am - Class start 11am



Class 1                                                Class 2

Jessica Taylor                           Ella Austin paid

Rumer Crawford                      Ellie Greenwood

Megan Austin paid                   Charlotte Hutt

Rebecca paid                          

Jaz paid

Madalyn Savage

Beau Evans



Class 1                                                Class 2

Jaz                                                       Ella Austin paid

Rebecca                                               Ellie Greenwood

Megan Austin paid                               Amy Newton


Madalyn Savage



Class1                                                 Class 2

Jaz                                                       Charlotte Hutt



Madalyn Savage

Beau Evans

FOR SALE - LADY. 15.2 14yrs thoroughbred mare

Please note that circulation of this advertisement by the Pony Club does not imply any endorsement or warranty of any kind.

From member Ellie Tijou:


FOR SALE - LADY. 15.2 14yrs thoroughbred mare.

Would make perfect second horse, I have had lots of fun with this mare over the last 3 and a half years and she has taught me so much, such a fun ride. Sad and quick sale needed through NO FAULT OF HER OWN. Looking for suitable 5* home only.

All details on this link. 



21 June, 2014

It's going to be hot tomorrow !!!

If anyone has a spare cool box and frozen blocks they could lend me tomorrow to keep drinks cold that would be great.

Liza and I will have ours with the sandwiches in but A couple more would be very helpful.
Please can anyone who has made cakes please bring them to me in the marquee throughout the day so I can keep everyone fed. WE NEED LOTS !!!!!!
Thank you everyone!

Fence judge timings and briefings

Hi Everyone
Below are the times and lists of people i have down to judge.
I am only leaving half an hour for briefing so please be on time so we can get out on the the course ready to start on time.
Class 1 - Briefing at 9.45am XC start 10.15am
Julia Beard
Lyn Marriott
Sarah Evans-Thomas
Jenny Watson
Juila Chamberlain
Sophie Belham
Diana Calvent
Judith Fish
Jenny Ramsay
Elizabeth Rimington
Nicola Collins
Juile Sowerby
Sarah Tillard
Sue Lee
Linda Clark
Rachel Austin
= 18 people
Class 2 Briefing at 11 am XC start at 11.30am
Juila Beard                                                                           Ernie Ashen
Sally,s Ashens Husband                                                     Jenny Watson
Juila Chamberlain                                                               Sophie Belham
Diana Calvent                                                                      Suzie newton
Judith Fish                                                                            Jenny Ramsay
Helen                                                                                     Rebecca Newey
Bea Lewers                                                                           Sue Lee
= 15 people
Class 3 Briefing at 1pm XC Start at 1.30pm
Sarah Bonwick and Lauren                                                  Rebekah Walker
My Mum                                                                                Anita Marsland
Sharon Subedar                                                                    Judith fish
Fiona Irwin                                                                             Lucy Cook and Husband
Nicki Currie                                                                             Mark Rimington
Bea Lewers                                                                             Rose
Rachel Bowyer                                                                   
= 13 people
( For classes 2 and 3 I know i have had offers of help from our older members please please still come to the briefing and i,ll sit you with adults to help them do more than 1 fence at a time - Thanks )
Class 4 Briefing at 3.30pm XC start at 4pm
Sarah Bonwick                                                                          
Rebekah Walker                                                                        Pippa Vaughan
Antia Marsland                                                                          Rosanne
Veronrika Gillham                                                                     Shona                                                                     
Sharon Subedar                                                                         Ian Bassell
Judith Fish                                                                                  Charlotte R/Mr Russell
Nicki Currie                                                                                 Michelle Pearce
Melissa Leach                                                                             Claire Winder
Alison Ridler                                                                                Rose   
= 18 people                                                  

20 June, 2014


Thank you to everyone who has agreed to fence judge on Sunday.
I am still very very short in classes 2,3, and 4.
Please if you know anyone who can fence judge Sunday afternoon can you ask them to e-mail me as it stands at 7.30am today I cannot run classes 2, 3  and 4 as I must have a minimal number on the XC course to make it safe for us to allow riders onto the course.
Please e-mail me if you can help.

Previous experience is NOT required and a briefing will be given.

Dressage rally Birches farm 27/06/14

Dear Mike,


Please circulate. Thank you.



Poppy Westwell

Xanthe Fairhead.

Cesca Fairhead


6 pm:

Chloe Fry

Sophie Duffield

Chloe McDonald


Both groups will be taught be Lynsey Ryan.

Any problems call me on 07789992810.

Kind regards



Fence Judges for Sunday - VERY URGENT now!

Thank you to everyone who has agreed to fence judge on Sunday.
I am still very very short in classes 2,3, and 4.
Please if you know anyone who can fence judge Sunday afternoon can you ask them to e-mail me as it stands at 7.30am today I cannot run classes 2, 3  and 4 as I must have a minimal number on the XC course to make it safe for us to allow riders onto the course.
Please e-mail me if you can help.

Previous experience is NOT required and a briefing will be given.

19 June, 2014


Well I am sure that they are, and so they should be. Pony Club offers children opportunities to make treasured childhood memories, special life long friendships and gives them so many wonderful riding opportunities. However, I just want to make you all aware that it is the same little group of people that run the three camps, that organise the events to help towards funding them and rallies. Ok, so I really HATE to get stroppy with our Pony Club members and parents and don't wish to patronise you but in the 12 years of being heavily involved with our PC I have never known such little support for our branch.  With approx. 200 members why is it we have only about 15 that have volunteered to help on Sunday at the One Day Event???? We need approx. 60 to run the event professionally and efficiently. I am increasingly frustrated at most peoples lack of support for THEIR branch (but thank you so much to those that do support and willingly help, you know who you are and my goodness your help does make such a difference xx). It seems everyone is willing to attend rallies (at a small fee) and events that others have organised but very few are actually willing to join the events committee of step forward to help at events. I can not tell you how frustrating it is to constantly be chasing and nagging for help. What a waste of mine and others time.

It is so unfair on us, the small group of organisers to be doing all this work for the branch,  whilst working full time and juggling other commitments, to be worrying about how we are ever going to run the events with so few helpers. We work tirelessly to organise events, rallies, training sessions, teams for other events and PC camps for your children to enjoy. If you want this PC branch to continue then you need to step up now. Bar two parents with young children the whole main and events committee is made up of parents with children that are or will soon be too old for PC. What sort of future to you see for your branch?

So, this Sunday if you/your child is competing then why not bring a hay net and help in the next class. My horse and kids will be there for 10 hours on Sunday as will others! Or come and help set up or clear away at the end of the day. Or you can provide someone else to fence judge for a couple of hours for you! DO YOUR BIT, PLEASE! I bet we will be inundated with parents, grandparents and older siblings on the first/last day of PC camps. Our little group of organisers feel like pack donkeys doing all the work for the majority to enjoy. 

 If I have offended you by this comment then do please ring me. I am more than happy to discuss this with you! 01825 765163

Please do email me your suggestions for ways forward for your branch and offers of help.


C+/B training

So far the names I have for the c+/b riding and stable management rally on sat 5th July at 2pm at Oakfields are....

Chloe Fry, Katie Head,  Sophie Duffield,  Kezzie Fish and Grace Rimminton.

Please let me know if there is anyone else who would like to attend.


Jo Duffield

Sent from Galaxy S3 on Three

Desperate for fence judges!

We are holding a ODE kindly sponsored by CDMS (Sussex) Ltd this Sunday, 22nd June

WE are desperately short of fence judges and will be unable to run the event if we donot get anymore judges come forward with an offer to help which will be a huge shame as the course looks superb and we have over 175 entries!

You will be fed and watered, and we hope to offer lots of sunshine for you to sit and relax in.

If you are able to help. for however long. please reply to Claire Fry who co-ordinates the fence judges.  No experience is necessary, but you do need to be 18 or over.

Please, please come and support our branch by helping in this way.



Claire and Candy

18 June, 2014


Hello to you all,

Firstly, thank you to all our members and helpers that supported and helped at our Branch Show! I think all that attended will agree that it was a wonderful day, enjoyed by all.

As you know, we are hosting our One Day Event on Sunday 22nd June, which is kindly sponsored by CDMS (Sussex). There are classes from 60cm to 1m05.


We are thrilled to have received 90 entries already so some of the classes are nearly full! We also have some new cross country jumps that will be used for the first time at this event!!! But I am really surprised that only five of them are from our branch members. We run these events primarily to offer our members the opportunity to compete and to raise funds to support other branch activities. WE WOULD SO LOVE TO SEE MORE OF OUR MEMBERS COMPETING ON THE DAY! Entries strictly close this Friday. Please see our website for details.

In order to efficiently run the ODE's we need approx 60 helpers on the day, plus more to set up/clear away. Please do volunteer your time for your branch, for the jobs below. We would especially like to see parents of our younger members volunteer for this event, as we appreciate that the classes may be too big for them to compete in. It would also be really inspiring for them to watch our older members competing!

* XC fence judges from 10.30am - a lovely job that your children can enjoy doing with you! Please let Claire Fry know of your availability for this role:  Clairemfry@hotmail.co.uk
* Show jumping steward x 2 am/pm
* Show jumping tack steward x 2 am/pm
* Cross Country tack check x 2 am/pm
* Arena party for the SJ ring from 10.30am (this would be a great job for our members aged 12 +)
* 10 adults (plus children of course!) to set up on Saturday and to clear away at the end of the day on Sunday.

Please remember that Wivelsden farm is a working farm and dogs are strictly NOT allowed there.

With many thanks,

Heidi x
01825 765163

ODE Plea for fence judges PLEASE.......

I did try and send a spreadsheet of classes and judges out like suggested to me by Elizabeth. It is a great idea but somehow I,ve mucked it up !!! What a surprise !!!
I,ve gone back to my sheet of paper next to my laptop so if ANYONE ELSE is free next sunday to XC Fence Judge please please email me.
As it stands at 6.30pm whilest I,m typing this email WE COULD NOT RUN next sunday. I have only 5 judges for classes 1,2 and and 4 and only 4 judges for class 3 and I need at least 18 in for each class.
I have arranged lots of food, drinks and cakes so please come and help us raise some more money to help our branch.  The money will go towards the new Working Hunter Fences which you would have seen at the Branch Show, Road Safety CD,s hopefully some new Show Jumps and Portable XC Jumps as well as keeping the rallies (winter ones especially) and camp prices as low as possible and lots many besides.
I hope alot more of you will come forward and please do not worry if you have never done this before My Very Non Horsey Mum always helps and really enjoys it ( although shuts her eyes when her granddaughters go round !!!! ).
Please email me with which classes you can Judge and I,ll add you to my list.
Class 1 - 10.45am to 11.45
Class 2 - 12pm to 1.45
Class 3 - 2pm to 4.15
Class 4 - 4.30 to 6
The above times are very approx until thursday when the times go on the website.
Thanking you all in advance

ODE Plea for fence judges PLEASE.......

I did try and send a spreadsheet of classes and judges out like suggested to me by Elizabeth. It is a great idea but somehow I,ve mucked it up !!! What a surprise !!!
I,ve gone back to my sheet of paper next to my laptop so if ANYONE ELSE is free next sunday to XC Fence Judge please please email me.
As it stands at 6.30pm whilest I,m typing this email WE COULD NOT RUN next sunday. I have only 5 judges for classes 1,2 and and 4 and only 4 judges for class 3 and I need at least 18 in for each class.
I have arranged lots of food, drinks and cakes so please come and help us raise some more money to help our branch.  The money will go towards the new Working Hunter Fences which you would have seen at the Branch Show, Road Safety CD,s hopefully some new Show Jumps and Portable XC Jumps as well as keeping the rallies (winter ones especially) and camp prices as low as possible and lots many besides.
I hope alot more of you will come forward and please do not worry if you have never done this before My Very Non Horsey Mum always helps and really enjoys it ( although shuts her eyes when her granddaughters go round !!!! ).
Please email me with which classes you can Judge and I,ll add you to my list.
Class 1 - 10.45am to 11.45
Class 2 - 12pm to 1.45
Class 3 - 2pm to 4.15
Class 4 - 4.30 to 6
The above times are very approx until thursday when the times go on the website.
Thanking you all in advance

CDMS ODE Fence Judges needed URGENTLY

Hi Everyone
I have attached a list of names I have so far for Judges at next weeks ODE.
Unfortunately I only have 5 in total and I really need at least 18 in each class.
Please email asap if you can help.
Class 1 -  10.45 to 11.45am
Class 2 -  12pm to 1.30pm
Class 3 -  1.45pm to 3.15
Class 4 -  3.30pm to 5
The above are very rough guide times but I will know better once the times have gone out on Thursday evening.

Times for Friday from Hazel


Here are the times for the rally on Friday at Wivelsden Farm with Vinny.



Matthew Perry

Annabelle Irwin

Hannah Chamberlain

Lauren Bonwick Adams



Phoebe York

Abbie Sandys

Matthew Perry

Charlotte Subedar




16 June, 2014

Horse for sale

Please note that circulation of this advertisement by the Pony Club does not imply any endorsement or warranty of any kind.

Please see the attached advert from member Beatrice Lewers.

13 June, 2014

Cakes for the ODE 22nd June.

Please could anyone spare some time to bake cakes and biscuits for the ODE we are running on Sunday 22nd June at Wivelsden Farm.
I have lots and lots of helpers and Judges who need feeding all day and they always love a slice homemade cake.
We would be very grateful for as many as you can spare, bring them to me in the marquee on the day.
Thank you

XC Fence Judges for Sun 22nd June

Hi Everyone
We are running a ODE on Sunday June 22nd at Wivelsden farm and I need FENCE JUDGES again.
It is much easlier to give you a time at a ODE but I will not have them till Thursday but as a rough guide :
Class 1 XC  -  10.45am to 11.45am
Class 2 XC -   12pm to 1.30 pm
Class 3 XC -   1.45pm to 3.15pm
Class 4 XC -   3.30pm to 5pm


I will need 18 - 20 Judges in each class.


Please email me if you can help with any of the classes. There will be lots of food and drink and hopefully the sun will shine to !!!!!!!


Thank you





12 June, 2014

Spaces available in upcoming rallies from Hazel.

Dear All


Just a reminder that we have a jumping rally with Vinny at Wivelsden Farm next Friday (20th June). If you would like to book a space please let me know ASAP.


There are also spaces available at the rally at Town Place EC this Saturday (14th June). Please let me know if you would like to book a space.




Derby rally Crockstead

Names and times for Derby rally at Crockstead 15th June 


11am to 1pm 


Rumer Crawford

Megan Austin paid

Rebecca Greaves 

Jaz Newman

Madalyn Savage paid

Ella Austin paid

Amy Newton

Poppy Westwell paid

Charlotte Hutt


Body protectors compulsory, please be on board 10 mins before rally starts to warm up.


See you there.



11 June, 2014


Hello to you all,

Firstly, thank you to all our members and helpers that supported and helped at our Branch Show! I think all that attended will agree that it was a wonderful day, enjoyed by all.

As you know, we are hosting our One Day Event on Sunday 22nd June, which is kindly sponsored by CDMS (Sussex). There are classes from 60cm to 1m05.


We are thrilled to have received 90 entries already so some of the classes are nearly full! We also have some new cross country jumps that will be used for the first time at this event!!! But I am really surprised that only five of them are from our branch members. We run these events primarily to offer our members the opportunity to compete and to raise funds to support other branch activities. WE WOULD SO LOVE TO SEE MORE OF OUR MEMBERS COMPETING ON THE DAY! Entries strictly close this Friday. Please see our website for details.

In order to efficiently run the ODE's we need approx 60 helpers on the day, plus more to set up/clear away. Please do volunteer your time for your branch, for the jobs below. We would especially like to see parents of our younger members volunteer for this event, as we appreciate that the classes may be too big for them to compete in. It would also be really inspiring for them to watch our older members competing!

* XC fence judges from 10.30am - a lovely job that your children can enjoy doing with you! Please let Claire Fry know of your availability for this role:  Clairemfry@hotmail.co.uk
* Show jumping steward x 2 am/pm
* Show jumping tack steward x 2 am/pm
* Cross Country tack check x 2 am/pm
* Arena party for the SJ ring from 10.30am (this would be a great job for our members aged 12 +)
* 10 adults (plus children of course!) to set up on Saturday and to clear away at the end of the day on Sunday.

Please remember that Wivelsden farm is a working farm and dogs are strictly NOT allowed there.

With many thanks,

Heidi x
01825 765163

10 June, 2014

Pony for Loan

Please note that circulation of this advertisement by the Pony Club does not imply any endorsement or warranty of any kind.

FOR LOAN 13.3hh New Forest 5 y.o Gelding, Lives out, no shoes, good doer, with sweet nature.


Was the easiest of ponies to break, and was hacking out round South Brockwells last summer, with both Ben and Daisy who are now 9 and 7.  Was turned away from September to beginning of April this year.  Just brought up for one weekend over the Christmas period when it was tack on and straight out on a hack with no problems.


He has now been back in work since the beginning of April and sadly I am to big to ride him too often, and Ben and Daisy don't have the experience or enough hours in the day to ride him as well as their own ponies.  So he is now getting way to fat....


He is popping over the small fallen down trees in the woods.  Has seen poles and cross poles in the school.  He is the most comfortable pony and easy to sit to in Trot and Canter and has lovely paces.  He is by Blackwell Flashman, and his siblings are excelling in Dressage, showjumping and cross-country.  He goes first or last, does'nt get upset if the rest of the group canters off and he is made to hold back.  Can even open and close gates!


However, he is very green and needs an experienced rider to further his career.  I'm looking to loan him out for 2 years.  I'm open to him being tried first from South Brockwells for a couple of weeks prior to going out on loan, as it is important he finds the right loan home.  


Due to his age and size he is not suitable for small children and we are really looking for either a small adult or a competent teenager,  Would equally suit a mother daughter share.


If you think Baby is the pony for you please contact Helen Burgess-Dinleyici on 07989 650634.


Many thanks


Wanted: loan pony / horse for Senior Camp

Please see the message below from Jess Kraft.  The branch has a long tradition of helping members who find themselves without a mount for camp often at short notice.  I hope someone can help her out!


Hi there, I have a place at pony club senior camp this July. Unfortunately my loan horse that I was planning on taking is not going to be ready to go, so I am writing in the hope that you could forward this email round and see if anyone would do me the honour of lending me their horse for camp.


I am 17 years old and around 5"4 and fairly lightweight. I have ridden anything from at 17hh hunters to 13.2hh ponies. I have recently brought on a youngster who unfortunately will not be ready for camp this year, hence my desperate last minute plea.


I have jumped up to 3foot but feel most confident at around 2"3. I have ridden forward ponies so that would not be an issue as long as it is controllable, but I would like something safe and reliable that does not buck, rear, bolt ect. And something that I would be able to have fun on. Anything between 13.2 and 16hh would be ideal. It would be a necessity that the horse would be able to jump as it is a large part of camp and something that I love to do.


I pride myself in being kind, considerate and caring and I promise your horse would be in the best possible hands. I would be happy to get a horse fit and ready for camp. I help run a yard and take care in the horses' well being which is always my top priority. I am knowledgeable and I would be able to offer your horse the best care possible.


I would also require help transporting your horse to and from Plumpton racecourse as I do not have transport but I would be happy to pay the fuel costs.


If you have anything that you think may be suitable I would really love to hear from you. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to email me at jessy@surfkraft.com


Thank you very much


Yours sincerely

Jess Kraft

Pony for sale

Please note that circulation of this advertisement by the Pony Club does not imply any endorsement or warranty of any kind.

Please see the attached advert from Sophie Beldham.

Ifor Williams HB510 trailer for sale

Please note that circulation of this advertisement by the Pony Club does not imply any endorsement or warranty of any kind.

Please see the attached pdf document.  VGC £2850.

09 June, 2014

All Day Rallies

Thank you to everyone who came to the all day rally today. Even the sun obliged (actually I am quite burnt!). I will sort out the refunds needed this week for those who paid for the cancelled rally and didn't attend today. I will tear up cheques but for online payments the easiest option would be for me to keep the money as credit against future rallies so let me know if that is acceptable.


The next All Day Rally will be on Friday August 29th. The format will be the same and there will only be 48 places. If you want a place please e-mail AND PAY me to guarantee it. I imagine that they will go very fast.


Many thanks



06 June, 2014

Eridge Times from Hazel Perry

Dear All


The times for Eridge are now available - http://branches.pcuk.org/eridge/files/2011/06/Copy-of-TIMES_FOR_0DE_8.6.14.pdf


Please ensure your ponies are well turned out and riders have gloves, hairnets, clean boots etc.


Good luck everyone, see you on Sunday!



Dressage times 13/06/14 - from Jo Reffin

Dear Mike,


Please circulate. Thank you.



Xanthe Fairhead

Cesca Fairhead

Livy Logan



Jess Copsey

Alice Reffin

Sophie Duffield


Parking and rally will be in our field. If travelling from piltdown travel past our house, Birches farm, and then turn left at next small turning. Gateway says 'whiteoaks'. Turn immediately left into our field.


There are sheep in fields so ensure gate shut please. Any problems 07789992810.




All Day Rally - Weather Concerns

The All Day Rally


I will inspect the fields at Wivelsden after lunch on Saturday and I will put a message on the website by 4 saying if the all day rally is on or not.

My mobile is 07767782458 if you need to contact me but if not urgent pls send a text rather than phone as I will be at the South of England show.



05 June, 2014

Pony Club Pony Wanted

Please note that circulation of this advertisement by the Pony Club does not imply any endorsement or warranty of any kind.


12.2-13.2hh pony to buy/loan to take 9 year old girl, who is riding competently, into Pony Club & competing for the first time. 5*star loving family home offered for the right pony. Please call Sarah Day on 07789 985804. Many thanks.

Pony For Sale

Please note that circulation of this advertisement by the Pony Club does not imply any endorsement or warranty of any kind.

03 June, 2014

Road Rider Badge and Mini Road Rider Achievement

Please note that we will be running another Road Rider and a mini Road Rider achievement badges on Sunday 15th June 2014.  


The Mini Road Rider Achievement badge will run from 10.00am to 12pm, this is required prior to members taking their D/D+ tests.  If you don't already have this badge and you need to take either your D or D+ this year please can you sign up for this rally.  The rally lasts for 2 hours and will cost £10.00.


The Road Rider Badge will be from 1pm to 5.30pm and is for riders who will be taking their C/C+ tests this year.  Please note that you cannot be awarded your certificate for these tests if you don't have the Road Rider badge.  Prior to attending the rally you will need to collect from me a DVD and booklet which you need to read and watch prior to the test.   At the end of the session there is a written and ridden examination.  The cost for this badge is £25.00.  Spaces are filling up fast.  


I am currently holding 2 spaces for Ella Winder and Madalyn Savage please can you confirm that you are able to make this date?


Many thanks


Helen Burgess-Dinleyici 


02 June, 2014

All day Rally - Sunday 8th June

Hi everyone. The all day rally on Sunday 8th June (next Sunday) is now full. I will keep a waiting list in case there are changes so let me know if you want to be on that. I have the following down to do it:


Ella Austin

Megan Austin

Rosie Brooke

Chloe Fry

Jess Fry

Emma Bowyer

Laura Denyer

Romilly Maclean (pls send forms to Liza)

Katie George

Jess Copsey

Emma Robbins

Kezzie Fish

Dan (am only)

Georgia Marsland

Rebecca England

Georgia Corrin

Emily Burden

Freya McLennan

Rosanne Curtis

Kara Wenban

Ellie Greenwood

Ella Head

Jason Watson

Tom Kianfar

Lily Kianfar

Archie Were

Rebecca Harvey (to confirm if pony sound)

Jodie Watson

Poppy Westwell

Chloe Marriott

Tara Keoshgerian

Farah Petts

Madalyn Savage

Millie Easton


The first session of the rally will start at 10.30 so please arrive at Wivelsden about 10 in time to get ready and mounted. It will finish by 4. We will provide lunch for the kids.

Everyone MUST wear hats without fixed peaks and body protectors to do the xc session.

There will be a sweet stall (as at camp) during lunch if the kids want to bring a small amount of money.

I will have some medical armbands and xc bibs if anyone needs to buy one.

If you haven't paid yet, please bring a cheque with you.

Thank you very much and I will see you all there.


01 June, 2014

Eridge Course Walk 7/6/14

Dear All


I have arranged a cross country and show jumping course walk with Vinny for those jumping at Eridge next week. The walk will start at 2.30pm on Saturday 7th June. Please could you let me know if you are able to attend.


Many thanks
