Hi Everyone,
I hope you are all ready for the start of Junior/Mini Camp next week !
Polly and the other instructors have lots of lovely activities for you and your ponies to do.
Emma Robbins and I will be with you all week so any issues please come and find us.
Now the most important part of camp is the instructors lunches !!! I am looking for 5 people to make 6 lunches from Monday to Thursday and 9 Lunches on Friday. If anyone can help I would be very grateful. Please ring me ( Claire Fry ) on
0772 988 0293 or email me on clairemfry@hotmail.co.uk.
Look forward to seeing on next week fingers crossed the weather will be sunny ?? .
Thank you
0772 988 0293
30 July, 2019
Junior/mini camp lunches - from Claire Fry
Team information for jumping at Hickstead this Saturday
Team jumping hosted by Southdown West at Hickstead this Saturday
Southdown Hunt West ask that all competitors treat the venue with due respect. In particular, if anyone is found in the International Arena (mounted or unmounted) the whole branch may be asked to leave immediately.
Passports: Please bring your horses passport – 6 month boosters must be in place and a clear 7 days from last vaccination and day of show
Parking for boxes and trailers is via Hickstead Village turnoff from the A23 and follow the signs into the stable field.
No haynets or horses to be tied up outside boxes/trailers. Dogs to be kept on leads. Both horse and dog droppings to be picked up.
Tack check opens from 8.15 and is usually at the bottom of the stable field on route to the arena's – please have passports at this point for checking – tack check must be done mounted.
Competitors must be ready to jump when requested – if not present after one minute, they will be eliminated. Competitors must enter and leave the ring as directed by the stewards. Any breach of these instructions will result in elimination. Each pony club will jump as a team and in the drawn order.
A fall eliminates horse and rider – the rider may not attempt another fence but must leave the arena immediately, mounted or dismounted.
All classes are being run as single phase. There is an individual competition incorporated into the teams so double the chance of a placing!
70cm teams – Polo Arena
Class starts 1.00. 23 teams in class. There is a second course walk and we are the second team to jump after the second course walk which I estimate to be around 2.15/2.30 – Sonia will be coming straight from senior camp to walk the course and warm you all –please meet at the arena at that time. You will need to be tacked up, tacked checked and ponies waiting at the ringside as not long to warm up before you jump. Sonia will try and get there slightly earlier so it will help if you are all ready for her.
Jumping order is:
Lily Musson – Smartie
Sophia Jeffrey – Monty
Daisy Burgess – Bracken
Florence Goodwin – Jack
80cm teams: Ring 3, Equine America – new all weather
Class starts at 9.00. There are 33 teams and we are the 4th team to jump. You will need to be mounted and tack checked pretty promptly! Briosa will be there to walk the course with you – please meet at the ringside at 7.45 prompt.
Jumping order is:
Arabella Goodwin – Babe
Ben Burgess – Oates
Emily Allardyce Bassett – Heather
Ella Currie – Drumgeeny Arthur
90cm teams: Ring 4 – Airowear original all weather
There are 30 teams in this class and we are the 6th team to jump. You will need to be mounted and tack checked pretty promptly too! Briosa will be there to walk the course with you – please meet at the ringside at 8.00 prompt!
Jumping order is:
Anna Currie – Domino III
Emma Robbins – White Orchid
Abigail Johnson – Midwych Skylla
Tilly Appleyard – Malone's Mate
Hope this essay covers most points. Please ensure you and your horse are spotless and all horses must be plaited – SDHE prides itself on the turnout of its' members. Please wear your SDHE saddlecloth, they are available to buy or you can borrow with a deposit of £20 per cloth, as we have lost so many over the years.
Any problems with lameness, fitness etc., please let myself or Tracy Collins know asap so we can organise reserves. If you have not paid the entry fee of £20 please send a cheque to Candy or Bacs before Saturday – thankyou.
On the day, as part of the 90th Anniversary celebrations of the Pony Club, all classes will be stopping just before midday and as many pony clubbers and volunteers as possible are invited to gather in the International Arena to form a human 90, photographed by drone. Please be at the arena at 12.00 and classes should be resumed at 1.00pm. Members to wear pony club sweatshirts.
Most importantly have a great day out – whatever happens keep smiling, there is always another day and competing is supposed to be a pleasure, not a punishment. Thanking the organisers of the event always goes down well too!
Happy jumping,
Candy & Tracey
0781 658 0322 / 07789 898263
28 July, 2019
Confirmation of Senior Camp timings for cross country at Wivelsen on Wednesday
All campers will be going to Wivelsden for cross country on Wednesday – as per camp forms.
Please meet in the racecourse car park at 9.45 and we will be looking to return from Wivelsden around 3.30 – parents are welcome to watch from a distance but we don't expect you to stay for the day if you don't want to.
Please could all drivers bring water for their horses as none on site at Wivelsden – NO DOGS ARE ALLOWED AT WIVELSDEN!
If there is a change of nominated driver from that on your Wivelsden camp form, please let Candy know asap., the name of driver, a contact number and the vehicle registration number. Many thanks
If you have any questions please contact Candy – 0781 658 0322
24 July, 2019
Re-union Thursday 1st August at Plumpton Racecourse
Just a little reminder of our re-union picnic taking place at Plumpton Racecourse on Thursday 1st August, from 6.00pm.
Please come and join us in celebrating "90" years of the Pony Club – bring a picnic and join in creating a giant '90' on the grandstand steps, a game of stool ball or rounders, and have a good reminisce about the good old days with fellow members past and present.
If possible please bring as many old photographs as you can.
Our reunion will be filmed and then set to music composed by Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber for the occasion. This will be uploaded to HQ for inclusion in the Ride Around The World day taking place at midday on Saturday 3rd August, which kicks off in Australia! The Pony Club hopes to make it into the Guinness Book of World Records as the largest gathering of young people and it is in the interests of all of us to raise the profile of our organisation showing our membership that they are part of an organisation with global connections, all sharing the same passion for horses, having fun and creating friendship opportunities that continue long after we cease being a pony club member.
Hope to see lots of you there and please pass this on to any ex camp connections you may have.
Candy Robbins
Branch Secretary
23 July, 2019
Senior camp set up Saturday afternoon - from Polly Thom
Hi everyone, Just a quick note to ask please for some helpers to set up showjumps for camp on Saturday 27th July at 3 pm. Meet in the centre of the racecourse and we will try to be as organised as possible. Please do accept that it can be organised chaos and moving trailers, jump building and course building gets bit technical!! We will do our best and I will delegate jump building and be the bossy one as being nearly 8 months pregnant I can't lift too many wings! Thank you in advance for everyone who offers to help! Polly x
22 July, 2019
Looking for a C/C+ organiser - from Gemma Johnson
Hi everyone I'm sure a number of you are aware of the success of our recent C &C+ tests our members have been doing and we have quite a few more who are regularly coming to the rally's getting ready to past there's very soon. Susie newton has done a great job of this and we are very grateful, As her daughter is now training for B test we are looking for someone to take over. Susie will be organising B test and also be taking over the dressage from Bryony who has had to step down. Thank you Bryony for all you have done. Susie is very happy to run through what you will have to do, it's mostly booking venues, getting dates, talking to instructors and getting members into the rallies. If anyone would and more info then please message me and hopefully I can put you in touch with the right person. My email is programme@sdhepc.org Many Thanks Gemma Johnson
20 July, 2019
E/D/D+ rally at Vixengrove on Sunday - CANCELLED
Dear All, Just to say that regrettably I am cancelling the E/D/D+ rally at Vixengrove this Sunday as there are no bookings online. I hope to see you at the Fun Pony Day on Monday 29th July at Vixengrove Farm 10 - 2.30pm - please book online. Kind regards, Melanie melaniecammies@btinternet.com 07831 184821
11 July, 2019
Reunion picnic at Plumpton Racecourse Thursday 1st August for 90th Anniversary of Pony Club
Dear Members Past and Present,
We are having a reunion picnic at Plumpton Racecourse on Thursday 1st August from 6.00 onwards.
All are welcome, as well as friends, parents and other half's, to celebrate the 90th Anniversary of the Pony Club being formed.
It will be part of our Senior Camp evening activities and if the weather is fine will include a game of stool ball or two!
We would also like to form our own "human 90" and film this to send to the Pony Club to show how we have celebrated the 90th Anniversary.
Please bring your own picnic and any photos – the older the better – so we can show the present day campers what the pony Club was really like.
Please can you let us know if you will be attending.
Look forward to seeing you all.
<!--[endif]-->Mike Robbins - Camp Commandant
Southdown Hunt East Branch Pony Club
Tel: 07976 009 717 - Email: mike.robbins@clarionhg.com
10 July, 2019
C/C+ rally Monday 15th July - from Susie Newton
C/C+ Rally Online booking is now open for the C/C+ unmounted practical rally at Town Place on Monday 15th July starting at 4.30pm. Sonia will be taking this. Any queries please email Susie.newton@btinternet.com 07989982886 Susie
Branch show this weekend - setting up help please
We are setting up for the Branch Show this Saturday from 10.00 at Wivelsden.
Can anyone help: roping the rings, setting up jumps, and putting up our marquee?
All help will be gratefully recieved - even if you can only spare half an hour, it all helps.
Please contact Sally Harper on: 07753 777072
09 July, 2019
Jumping rally at Town Place 13th July - groups with Tracy
Times and groups for Town Place jumping rally – Saturday 13th July 2019
This will be taking place on the outside grass arena and Sonia will be teaching
See you all on Saturday
Jumping rally at Town Place 13th February - groups with Candy
Times and groups for Town Place Farm jumping rally – Saturday 13th May 2019
Briosa will be teaching.
If you have not been to this venue before you will need to sign a disclaimer with me before starting.
Charlie Collins –Dilly
Lucy Rigler – Benjamin
Lucy Elsam – Tart
Chloe Wright - Cosmic
Abigail Johnson – Evie
Frankie Walker – Billy
Amy Newton - Skye
Charlie Collins – Jimmy
Lily Musson – Smartie
Lettice Schultz – Topaz
Ben Burgess – Teiko
Daisy Burgess – Bracken
Libby Webber - Pasha
Please could you all make sure you are tacked up promptly and ready to start at your allocated time. Please could you remove any droppings and hay from around your lorry before leaving – no horses to be left unattended tied to lorries/trailers.
Please wear correct pony club clothing i.e. beige jodphurs, white shirt, pc tie, pc sweatshirt, gloves and hairnets for the girls. Ponies to be clean and wearing clean plain tack.
Hope you all have a great time
Many thanks
Candy Robbins x
06 July, 2019
Show jumping rally 13th July at Town Place
There are still spaces at all levels for the jumping rally at Town Place on Saturday 13th July - booking is via our website sdhepc.org
If you need further information please contact Tracy Collins for levels 1 & 2 or Candy Robbins for levels 3 & 4
05 July, 2019
FOR SALE Ford Transit 190 LWB 2.5cc diesel with Ifor Williams Container
Please note, allowing members and others to post adverts for members is a service which Southdown East branch of the Pony Club is offering to members as a benefit of membership. It is done in good faith and without any liability on the part of the Pony Club. If you enter into any arrangement advertised or purchase any item following an advertisement listed by the branch, you do so as a private individual, without recourse to the Pony Club, and must satisfy yourself that any product or arrangement is suitable for your circumstances.
FOR SALE Ford Transit 190 LWB 2.5cc diesel with Ifor Williams Container
£5200 Ono
Our trusty and well loved little lorry has been owned by us for the last 14.5 years, has been well maintained and can be driven on a car licence.
Chassis is a Ford LWB 190 2.5cc diesel 1998 S Reg
MOT until 20.07.20
Manual transmission
Double axels
Former keepers 3
Mileage 117083
Mot certificates since 2002
New Windscreen 2007
Cam Belt replaced 2004 @ 98k miles
Full exhaust replaced
Rear shocks replaced and upgraded
Started motor replaced 2017
New battery 2019
New wings and sills June 2019
Seat very clean as covers have been on all seats since bought
Container is the longer Ifor Williams one with larger turning space and larger exit ramp
Secure, large storage over cab
All aluminium gates
Excellent condition
Will take horse up to approx 16.2hh or 2 ponies
Open to any questions
Lots of other photos if anyone is interested
Thank you and please pass my number and email on.
Lindsey Bell
04 July, 2019
Hay for sale
Lovely new hay for sale, just £3 per small bale
Sweet meadow hay, free of thistles/ragwort, delicious for ponies and horses, just made in sunshine and ready to pick up from field. Come and fill up your box or trailer – we will help load.
At Flints Farm, Kingston, near Lewes BN73NH
Call or text Melissa on 07595 821211 or James on 07540 766669
Pony and volunteers needed at Chailey Heritage
Pony needed for a day or 2 (or more if wanted) per week term time only at Chailey Heritage Foundation:
13.2-14.2hh, calm temperament, sound and in good health, age and breed do not matter. In-house training will be provided for the right pony. Please get in touch for more information – Michele Quibell mquibell@chf.org.uk 01825724444
Volunteers needed for weekday horse riding sessions at Chailey Heritage Foundation:
Sessions run 09.30-12.00, 12.50-3pm and 3.30-5pm
No previous experience necessary as all training is provided. You will be part of a committed team – many of our volunteers have been coming for years because they love it so much. Please see here for more information https://www.chf.org.uk/vol-riding.html
Melissa Petty (nee Tysh) MCSP HCPC CPTRH
Chartered Physiotherapist
Chailey Heritage Foundation
Tel: 01825 724444 | Ext 220
Web: www.chf.org.uk
E/D/D+ rallies at Vixengrove - from Melanie Cammies
REMINDER for all E/D/D+ standard members for rallies at Vixengrove Farm, Chailey, BN8 4HR SUNDAY 21st July - E/D/D+ riding and unmounted stable management from 10am £12.50 MONDAY 29th July - Fun Pony Day 10 - 2.30pm to include a Farm ride, treasure hunt, Stable management and bring a picnic lunch £15 PLEASE book your place for the above rallies online NOW on www.sdhepc.org and remember they close ONE WEEK before the rally date. Many thanks and I look forward to seeing you all there. Melanie Cammies
01 July, 2019
Teams entered for Area Showjumping 20th & 21st July
These are the entries that have been submitted for Area Show Jumping at Golden Cross on 20th & 21st July – 80cm regional and intermediate on the Saturday, Novice and Open on the Sunday
80cm regional:
Colette Owens – Kito
Keira Beasley – Fortune Cookie
Alex Page – Bailey
Charlie Collins – Diamond Geezer
Individuals and team reserves
Emily Allardyce Bassett – Heather
Arabella Goodwin – Babe
90cm novice:
Annabelle Orgill – Pentaran Birthday Girl
Emma Robbins – White Orchid
Anna Currie – Domino III
Jessie Berrill – Ready Eddie Go
Abigail Johnson – Toberscanavan Poppy
Tilly Appleyard – Malone's Mate
Amy Newton – Millparks An Dialog
Frankie Walker – Fahys Queen
(Reserve: Sophie Mitchell – Paddy)
Matthew Perry – Wilf (Individual)
More information and times will be given as soon as available.
Candy x