29 January, 2025

Working rally Sunday 9th February

Working rally Sunday 9th February at Plumpton College with Lesley Scorgie instructing Midday -3pm - 3 x one-hour sessions.

If you are wanting to book onto this working rally, please do before the weekend so times and venue bookings can be adjusted.

Groups may be subject to change and will be confirmed the week before.

4 spaces available - will be cancelled if not booked.

1pm - 1 space left
Marni - Harold
Mara - Lola
Olivia - Rocky

2pm - Full
Poppy - Snowy
Amelie - Charlie
Millie B - Breeze
Millie P - Tate

Many thanks
Ruth Corke

23 January, 2025

new points system for our members

Starting from 1st February we are running a points league for our members, with prizes for the top 3 in each section, ending 30th  September 2025.

There will be 2 sections, 11 years and under and 12 years upwards.

Ridden rally – 2 points

Unmounted – 1 point (stable management, achievement badges etc.)

Competing for our branch at events – 2 points

Points will also be earnt for personal endeavour – i.e. cantering off the lead for the first time, coping with a tricky situation with your horse, first cross country event etc – these will be awarded at the discretion of the instructor.

So let's get booking those rallies and earning points!

13 January, 2025

Working rally this Saturday

Groups for this Saturdays working rallies at Chelwood Equestrian center, Indoor school, with Polly Thom instructing.

2pm Junior group
Olivia on Rocky
(3 spaces free)

3pm Senior Group
Millie on Duncan
Poppy on Chilli
Millie B on Breeze
(1 space free)

Booking has now closed for this rally however we do have 3 junior spaces available due to cancelations and 1 senior space available. If you would like to join in please contact me on 07881651701 and every effort will be made to accommodate you. 

Please arrive in plenty of time and be ready to start your working rally.

Clean tack -Instructors will check your tack for safety.
Clean horses / ponies.
Plain coloured jodhpurs and a branch pony club polo t- shirt / sweatshirt.
Correct riding boots to be worn.
Spurs only to be worn by members that have passed their C+ test or their Spurs test. 
Coats without hoods may be worn when cold.
Long hair must be tied up off the shoulders for safety. 

Please clean up after your pony in the car park - no hay nets to be tied up outside trailers.

Looking forward to seeing you all on Saturday - Any problems please get in touch 07881651701
Many thanks

06 January, 2025

Horsebox For Sale

Please note, allowing members and others to post adverts for members is a service which Southdown East branch of the Pony Club is offering to members as a benefit of membership.  It is done in good faith and without any liability on the part of the Pony Club.  If you enter into any arrangement advertised or purchase any item following an advertisement listed by the branch, you do so as a private individual, without recourse to the Pony Club, and must satisfy yourself that any product or arrangement is suitable for your circumstances.

The following advertisement has been submitted by Naresh Perring who is the parent of a member in the Branch.  All enquiries should be addressed to Naresh via HorseQuest.


It's advertised with HorseQuest and the reference is:  #: 360619



Mileage - 88,000


Fitted with isolator, New Battery & New Leaf Springs


Beautifully kept/Very Reliable


Our Beautifully kept horsebox is up for sale due to lack of use. Recently fitted with isolator, battery, and leaf springs. 

·         6 speed, Manual gear box 
3 Seater bench seat
Electric windows 
Central locking cab - 2 sets of keys 
Fully rubber matted floor and walls
1 Ton payload
Lightweight half ramp and pull down top door
Saddle bars and two bridle hooks
2 x bench seating in the rear
Tie rings inside and out
Up to date with Service and MOT


03 January, 2025

Show jumping competitions

There are a couple of sj competitions coming up in February.

1st February Interbranch @ Golden Cross hosted by East Sussex pc.
Classes are 40-50cm 1a lead rein
                                      1b assisted but not lead
Then 60cm-1m team and individual.
£16 per class plus booking fee.
Please let me know by 14th Jan if you would like to be in a team and also if you want to enter as an individual.
Entries via Entry master 

18th February @ Felbridge hosted by CHH pc.
Classes are 40cm-1.10m team and individual.
£25 per class plus booking fee per ticket.
Please let me know by 31st Jan.
Entries via Horse Events

My email is Katieandaiden@hotmail.com
Mobile 07881404542

Any questions just ask!


02 January, 2025

Area 11 dressage qualifier 18th January

Area 11 Dressage qualifiers are taking place on Saturday 18th January at Sands Farm, West Sussex - for more information please contact Nicola.

If you're interested in being part of a team, please let me know?

You must book as an individual online HERE, before Monday 13th January. 
And we'll confirm teams ahead of the day with the organisers.
We also have a dressage rally Saturday 11th January at Chelwood, which can be booked HERE - perfect practice time with Polly.  
And only 4 spaces left. Bookings close this weekend. 

Full schedule attached. 

Many thanks,