10 October, 2013

Times for Felbridge from Candy

These are the times for the jumping practice at Felbridge on Tuesday 29th October with Sarah Muggeridge


9.00    Emma Robbins - Chalky

             Jessica Copsey - Evie

             Rosanna Curtis - Martin

             Alice Reffin - Henry



10.00    Tara Keosherigan - Lara

               Jason Watson - Scooby

               Jasmine Pearce - Bally Boy

               Chloe Macdonald - Arthur



11.00    Tara Keosherigan - Bella

               Rosie Brooke - Silver

               Grace Riminton - Deejay

               Xanthe Fairhead - Louis



12.00    Francesca Fairhead - Zac

               Lauren Bonwick Adams - Joey

               Georgia Corrin - Daisy

               Agnes Homer - ???? Please could you advise on name and height etc.



Please could you arrive in plenty of time to warm up before your

allocated time - the arena is hired to others from 1.00 so we need to be


Please also remember to bring the £10.00 cash per horse for the hire of

the arena


Any help with the height adjustments of the course would be very welcome

to keep things ticking along and maximise the jumping time

The practice is on the all weather surface.


Many thanks


Candy Robbins




For those that are still interested in being selected for a team and

unable to make this practice, there should be another date for the week

prior to this - Sarah to confirm the date and then I will send an e-mail out

Do appreciate that not all schools/colleges are on holiday this week!

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