06 November, 2013

Teams for Golden Cross from Hazel

Dear All


Here are the teams for Sunday 24th November at Golden Cross.


Class 1 - Mini-Mini

Lily Kianfer - paid

Tom Kianfer - paid

Amy Newton - paid

Millie Robin - paid


Class 2a - Mini

Team 1 - green team

Katie Vaughan - paid

Cerys Kelly

Lily Taylor Martin - paid

Anna Currie - paid


Team 2 - orange team

Pheobe York - paid

Rebecca Harvey - paid

Charlotte Subadar - paid

Abigail Johnson - paid


Team 3 - yellow team

Francesca Fairhead

Abbie Sandys - paid

Katie Willmam - paid

Agnes Homer


I will be sending out the drawn order and further information when it becomes available.


Many thanks


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