07 December, 2013

SDNP Survey

Dear All


The West Sussex BHS Bridleways Officer, Tricia Butcher alerts riders to an online survey by the South Downs National Park Authority. She suggests that as many riders should complete it as possible.


I have completed the survey and it only takes a few minutes; they are simple questions (tick boxes) but there are opportunities to respond in an 'equestrian' way if one is clever in using the boxes marked 'other' and the question 'what advice would you give a visiting friend' !!!!


The SDNPA say that the survey is intended "to gather the thoughts and ideas of as many people as possible. The questions and format for responses are designed to give us the information we need to understand what people think and feel about the South Downs National Park".

The survey is at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/SDNPsharedidentity_public . Please feel free to forward on or distribute this survey widely to others.

The closing date for responses is Monday 16th December.

Help to make sure that they don't forget that we ride in the South Downs NP

Thanks and apologies to those who will have already had this info from other sources.

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