28 May, 2014

All day rally

I am rearranging the all day rally for SUNDAY JUNE 8th. I apologise for the short notice but we are trying to fit it in before the first of our ODEs. The C+/B rally which was scheduled for that day will be incorporated into the all day rally. I know Chloe, Dan, Kezzie, Grace and Alex had already signed up for that so I hope you can come to the all day rally. The rally will also incorporate training for D+/C for the appropriate members so please let me know when you sign up.


Please can everyone who was signed up for the all day rally let me know if they can or cant make the new date and anyone else let me know if you now want to come. The number of kids we can have depends on how many of the instructors can make it so do please let me know ASAP as numbers will be limited. I cant guarantee a place if I don't hear soon even if you were signed up for the first one.


Payment – I am still holding all the cheques and will only cash those who now do the rearranged date. If you paid by bank transfer and cant rearrange please let me know and I will organise a refund.


I look forward to hearing from you all



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