04 July, 2014

Tom Moon ODE Helpers

Good evening to you all,

Firstly THANKYOU so much to all those that came and supported the previous event, either competing and/or helping. We could not have run this event without you.

Following on from the huge success for our branch at the ODE that we hosted we now have to push on and organise the next one!

We are having the Tom Moon Contracts  ODE on Sunday 13th July at Wivelsden Farm, by kind permission of Nick and Sonia Harvey. It is designed for novice riders/ponies, first timers and the more competitive competitors. Classes for all! It would be wonderful to see lots of our younger members competing at this event; it is aimed at them with a 40cm led/assisted class and goes upto Level 3 which is approx 90cms. 

Having had real difficulties engaging helpers for the last event we have taken on board your comments (which were very much appreciated,  thankyou) and are trialing a new way of enabling you to choose what you would like to volunteer to do. Please do all take a look and volunteer a few hours either on the Friday/Saturday to set up, on the day am/pm or help with packing away/towing trailers on Sunday afternoon. If we get lots of helpers, and many of you give up two hours of your weekend then the event will be a BIG success. Click on this link to see the helpers document. Alternatively you can of course let Claire or myself know of your availability and we can pop you on! 

As always let us have some feedback! We are always very open to hear your views. Please do help out! We are also looking to recruit more parents onto our Events Committee! Could you get more involved and join us for meetings (normally every 6 weeks) in the pub? Do you have any skills that might benefit your branch? We are a nice welcoming bunch of people! Do speak to me for more information. 

Kind wishes, 

Heidi x

01825 765163

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