13 August, 2014

All Day Rally 29th August

All Day Rally 29th August
The All Day Rally on the 29th August, will be going ahead. It will be run by Anne Cook and Claire Fry. (Please DO NOT e-mail Claire Fry).
There are still spaces available. Please e-mail Anne Cook if you are interested - c.cook578@btinternet.com. The closing date for accepting entries will be 21st August.
If you have not paid, please also send a cheque to Anne Cook, or pay online and send Mike Nichols a 'covering' e-mail. Contact details are on the PC website.
I also require some information from the following members regarding jumping height/ ability/ test, so I can slot you into the appropriate group:
Georgia Marsland
Lauren Vane
Katie Vaughan
Anna & Ella Currie
Ellie Mileham
Georgie Henderson
Frankie Walker
Tara Keoshgerian
Izzy Goulding
Mathilda Butcher
Rumer Crawford
Emily Allardyce-Bassett
Please e-mail Sarah with this information on smjvincent@hotmail.com. I will not reply, unless required, but am thanking you in advance.

If you are a new entry, please provide this information within your e-mail to Anne Cook. 
Many thanks
Sarah Muggeridge

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