12 November, 2014

Drawn order for Sunday from Hazel

Dear All


The drawn order is now available for Sunday. Our mini-mini team has been drawn first to go. They will follow an OS&B individual and will jump in the following order -


Ben Burgess

Romilly Maclean

Emily Allardyce

Arabella Goodwin


Please arrive at Golden Cross ready to walk the course at 8.15am with Angela. The class will begin promptly at 9.


ALL PONIES AND RIDERS MUST BE IMMACULATE - tweed jackets, clean tack and boots, ponies are to be plaited, plain numnahs, hairnets (for the girls) and gloves.


Any questions please call 07876802996 or email hazelperry@live.com.


GOOD LUCK EVERYONE and please remember to thank the organisers.



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