03 January, 2016

Southdown East Pony Club - Membership Renewal - First Notice


I hope you have all enjoyed a great festive season and are all tacked-up and ready to go for another year!

You are receiving this message because the e-mail address is associated with one or more members of the Pony Club whose membership needs to be renewed on 1 February if you wish to continue with us in 2016.  Please find the form you will need to complete attached.  If you do not respond by 28 February 2016 then your membership will lapse and you will no longer be covered by the Pony Club insurance policy.

If you do not intend renewing an e-mail to that effect will be greatly appreciated and will prevent follow up reminders. 

You may print the form [please note I only need page 3], complete it, and either post it or scan and e-mail.  It is also possible to fill the form in using Acrobat Reader and e-mail the pdf file to me saving paper, ink and postage.

If you can please complete the Gift Aid Declaration.  If every member did that, the branch would be about £2,000 better off.  A signature is required for this so if completing the form using Acrobat you will need to apply the image of your signature, a printed name is apparently not acceptable (not my rules!).

You may wish to make a bank transfer rather than send me a cheque in which case please note that our account is:

20-49-76   30810541

and please give your name as reference.

A form for booking places at our annual camps is being sent separately and you should receive it in the next few days.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Mike Nichols
Treasurer and Membership Secretary
58 Blackthorns
RH16 2AY

01444 452295 / 07979 801420

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