17 July, 2016

mini teams for Hickstead - from Emily Pincus

These are the teams for Hickstead Mini Showjumping 70cms on Saturday 6th August - as selected by Angela.

Red Team

Megan Austin - Snowie

Ella Currie - Parsley

Jack Pincus - Panda

Rhianna Hawkins - Monty


Blue Team


Ben Burgess - Eaglehurst Batman

Lily Taylor-Martin - Forest Fire

Ella Currie - Prince

Ethan Collins - Harry


Please could you confirm by email to me (e.pincus@virgin.net) that the pony names above are correct and as you would like them entered under.


For each competitor I also need their date of birth, height of their pony and the owner's name of the pony.

The entry fee per member including First Aid is £18.75.
Please could you make the cheques payable to Southdown Hunt East and post to my address below by return please. Unfortunately no BACS for Show entries!

The 70cm class will run on grass and start at 9.00am.


The team event will incorporate an individual competition. 


First round:  All teams will jump in drawn order and will be timed in case of later tied results

Second round: All teams on a 0 score will nominate 1 member to represent the team for final team placing. This member must have gone clear in the first round.

The rest of the competitors who jumped clear in the first round will jump a second round to establish individual places.  This will be jumped in the original drawn order.


Further details will be sent out nearer the date.

Please find below the link to the SDHW website if you would like to pre-order any Hickstead Hoodies or T-shirts!!

Many thanks

Gun Road,
East Sussex,
TN22 5JZ
07808 783974

Sent from my iPad

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