05 October, 2017

E, D and D+ rally at Vixengrove - please reply to Melanie Cammies

Dear All,    9.30 am Mounted Riding E/D group  Isla Breen (if anyone is passing Scaynes Hill please could they offer Isla's pony a space in their trailer) pd  Lily Truffett pd  Chloe Warren pd  Lucy Hemsley pd  Natascha Chalkley ?  Isabel Day    10.30 am E/D/D+ Unmounted Stable Management  Isla Breen  Lily Truffett  Chloe Warren  Lucy Hemsley  Natasha Chalkley?  Isabel Day  Bea Norris  Daisy Burgess-Dinleyici  Pearl Christie    11.30 am Mounted Riding D+ group  Bea Norris pd  Daisy Burgess-Dinleyici pd  Pearl Christie pd     Please arrive in plenty of time with clean ponies & tack and riders wearing Pony Club wear - cream jodhpurs, white shirt, PC tie & sweatshirt, clean polished boots, with hairnets and no jewellery.  As Vixengrove Farm has a livery yard please would you all make sure you have washed your hands well and have changed your clothes having visited your yard to collect your pony before coming to Vixengrove.  This is to avoid transfer of any infections.  Thank you.  I look forward to seeing you all and if I have left anyone off the list please contact me.    Melanie Cammies  melaniecammies@btinternet.com  07831 184821 

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