19 January, 2018

Invitation to Summer Camps 2018

Please find attached an invitation to attend one of our summer camps at Plumpton Racecourse.

There is no booking form as such - your will receive many forms to complete in due course if you are coming.  All I need is an e-mail or text to say you want to come but remember that bookings are provisional until the non-refundable deposit is paid and membership renewed.  This is all explained in the attachment.

An invitation to the Senior Camp briefing on Tuesday 20th February has been sent previously but is reproduced below for the benefit of new members of which, I am happy to say, we have several.

Thank you to all those who are ahead of the game and have renewed their membership for 2018.  Memberships are due for renewal on 1st February and I will soon be sending another reminder to those I have not heard from.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Hi All,


Following the success of previous years meetings we thought we would repeat the event and hold another pre Senior Camp meeting.


The purpose of this meeting is to provide an opportunity for our new members, and our potential first time campers, to gain a good understanding of what Senior camp life and activities are all about.


Based on last year's attendance there were a lot of first time campers and we are expecting the same again this year.  Realising that for many, this will be the first time away from home without parents we wanted to try and give you a realistic idea of what to expect.  Hopefully, this meeting will help you make an informed decision as to whether Camp is up your street or not.


Even if you came to Camp last year for the first time, and you would like to revisit the routine, you are more than welcome.


The meeting will be held at Plumpton Racecourse in The Paddock Bar on Tuesday 20th February 7.15pm for 7.30 start.  Light refreshments will be provided.  There's a map attached to show where the meeting will be held which might help if you have never visited the racecourse before.


It is intended that the evening will take the format of an introduction to the staff and overview of Camp life followed by a short Q & A session.  It is also our intention  to run a hat and body protector checking session as the required standards have recently changed.  So, if you want to bring your hat and body protector along to make sure they comply then please do.


We would very much like an idea of numbers, so if you do plan to attend could I ask that you drop a line to stuart.fellingham@ntlworld.com.


Look forward to hearing from and meeting you all shortly.


Kind regards


Stuart & The Camp Team


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