30 October, 2018

Level 1 & 2 showjumping rally 18th November - from Tracy Collins

HI all, 

We have another Level 1 & 2 showjumping rally at Chelwood gate equestrian centre on Sunday 18th November 12 - 2pm. Please get in contact if you would like to book onto this. It would be great to get as many people as possible to attend so we can start planning teams for the up and coming season. Dates to be released soon.

Sonia Chittenden will be teaching last time Sonia taught lines, turns and rhythm. The children had so much fun and learnt lots. The price for this rally is £12.50. Rally form attached.



Dont forget to be able to compete as part of a team you need to of attended at least 3 working rallys within the last year.

Sent from my iPad

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