01 March, 2019

Rallies at Plumpton College and Alderlade 8th March

Rallies at Plumpton College and Alderlake are now able to resume starting with those scheduled for 8th March organised by Melanie Cammies and Susie Newton.

Your horse/pony must have had a full course of vaccinations and a booster within the last 6 months. For those that need to be updated, a clear 7 days is needed from vaccination to the activity you are attending.

Before unloading you will need to have  your passport with the vaccination record, checked by the organiser. We cannot allow anyone without a passport or vaccinations that are not in order to unload and attend the rally.

Please avoid either you or your horse touching other horses. Also a reminder if you think your horse is under the weather or there has been a horse at your yard with a infectious disease, please do not come to a rally until the all clear has been given.

Thankyou everyone for your co-operation.

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