We are organising a table top tack sale on Friday 10th May at Scaynes Hill Village Hall.
Tables are £10 each and are open to anyone.
This is a good opportunity to come along and have a clear out before the start of the year, and perhaps find what you never knew you needed!
Get the kids to dig out the old jodhpurs and boot, head collars and numnahs from the depths of the tack room. It's also a good chance to catch up with Pony clubbers old and new. Cakes and drinks are on offer on the night. Please circulate to your yards and friends so that we can make this event a success and raise some club funds.
Don't have enough stuff for a table? Why not get together with others from your yard and have a joint table.
We will also be running a SDHE table selling new sweatshirts/jackets ties etc and ALSO giving you the opportunity to sell on some of your gear even if you don't have a table of your own. For a small commission of 50p per item, you can let us have your bits and pieces, let us know how much you'd like to sell it for, and we'll do all the work for you. Proceeds to club funds.
Please contact Sally Harper if you'd like to book a table, get us to sell on for you, or to let us know if you're coming along. We're also on the scrounge for cakes to sell to the hoards of people we are hoping will come.
Please call 07753777072 or e-mail sallyannharper@me.com