Hello Everyone
It's only three weeks before we have our first Branch event of the year, our Spring Hunter Trials is being held on Sunday 19th May. Planning is well under way and entries are coming in already.
As always, we need help from parents and members in order to run our events properly, and many hands really do make light work.
Your help can come in many ways:
Help us to set up beforehand, putting out safety ropes and poles, flagging the course, and putting up our new marquee to protect us from the rain (or hopefully sun) on the day.
Come along and fence judge for us on the day. This can be a whole day, or a morning\afternoon session. This is a really important, but simple to learn, job. We really cannot run our event without the people who sit by each jump ensuring that every rider gets over safely. You have to be over 16 to do this by yourself, but bring your youngsters with you and let them see what the day is all about. They can help you in your job, and you just tick the boxes. It's fun and we'll make sure you're fed and watered while you help.
Help on the day, we need someone to come round and take refreshments to our helpers. Bake a cake or something savoury to keep the helpers sustained during the day.
Stay behind for a little while or come back later to help put all the ropes/posts/tent etc away.
It's a long day and every offer of help really is very much appreciated.
If you'd like to help, please contact Sally Harper who is our volunteers coordinator.
email: sallyannharper@me.com or call \ text 07753777072
Can't wait to hear from you!
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