The Turton Hunter Trials, our last event of the season at Wivelsden, is taking place next Sunday, 22nd September with classes from 50 – 80cm, including pairs. The full schedule can be found on our website:
Please come and support "your" club by competing at the event and/or by helping set up beforehand, clearing up at the end of the day, or helping on the day with fence judging (a separate e-mail will be circulated for help with these tasks).
As you will be aware, our last event had to be canceled due to low entries and the fact only 4 people offered to help! It is by running these fund raising events we are able to subsidise the cost of rallies and camps – if they were not run, we would not be able to continue to subsidise rallies and events and these costs would have to be met by the membership.
If every family within the membership gave a couple of hours of their time to our events it would make life easier and more enjoyable for the select few that do. Fence judging, for instance, is good fun and a family affair. Sit in a chair, hopefully in the sunshine, watch competitors enjoying our course and place a tick or X against their number on a score sheet for your allocated fence (full instructions will be given on the day) whilst eating a picnic – what is there not to enjoy about that! It is very sociable and the children love helping Mums and Dads with it (you do need to be over 18 to fence judge). For those members that are too young to fence judge there are plenty of other things to help with – arena party for show jumping courses when we hold ODE's, dressage score sheet collecting, tea and cake runs…… Please, please, come and support "your club".
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