04 October, 2019

C test run through this Sunday - from Sarah Day

C Test run through this Sunday at Town Place


We had a really successful C Test run through on Saturday. Sonia was pretty impressed with the standard, particularly that of the riding. She did say that some of the Stable Mgmt could do with a brush up and suggested revising, Scales of Training, Rules of Feeding, Signs of Health, and Bits.

Sundays run through will start at 9:30am, the following members are booked on:

Abby Beckett

Jasmine Ward

Ellie Swanson

Georgia Ashcroft

Olivia Stack

Mabel Ricca Smith

Please be tacked up and ready to start at 9:30a. Please wear jackets, shirt and tie, no need to plait. There will be 1 hours riding, the ponies will then be untacked in front of Sonia and a tail bandage put on (please bring one and a rug). Parents are welcome to take the ponies/horses home at 11 while the girls do stable mgmt. and theory. Sonia is expecting to finish at 12-12:30 when she will give everyone feedback (parents are encouraged to be there for this).

Any problems my number is 07900272655

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