15 January, 2021

C stable management zoom meeting last night - from Lorna Thwaites

Dear all,

Thank you to everyone who attend last night's C stable management ZOOM rally and to Angela Whitehead for instructing. It was a very useful session covering the C test syllabus areas of shoeing, veterinary care, health in a pony, vaccinations and first aid. There will be a further C Test level stable management ZOOM rally on Thursday 11th February, 6.30 to 7.30pm, again with Angela instructing. This will soon be on the SDHEPC calendar to book. These ZOOM rallies are a great way to improve your knowledge of horse and pony care and work towards your tests whilst we are unable to hold ridden rallies.

If you haven't done so already, please join the SDHE Members Only Facebook group to keep in touch with SDHE and Pony Club rallies and activities.

Best Wishes


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