Area 11 Show Jumping Training Day
Tuesday 6th April 2021
Felbridge Showground, Copthorne Rd, Felbridge, East Grinstead. RH19 2NU
Ernest Dillon FBHS and Michaela Tomlinson
First groups 10am and last groups 3.30pm
Ernest Dillon is highly qualified, being one of the few Show Jumping Specialist Fellows of The British Horse Society. He is a UKCC Level Three Showjumping coach and an Accredited BS Coach. He is also a British Eventing Master Coach and a UKCC Coach Educator. He is based in Buckinghamshire and teaches throughout the UK and worldwide.
Ernest will teach in the Bill Kear Arena and will teach groups from 90cm up to 1.10m (confident and wishing to compete at 90cm or above this season). Groups of 4 for one hour. Cost £20.
Michaela Tomlinson was an active Pony Club member, passing her A Test aged 18. Her passion was eventing and she competed up to Advanced level including Blenheim CCI*** and Burghley CCI****. Michaela now competes her horses at showjumping internationally and is a Level 5 BHS coach. She is also the Chief Instructor for Old Surrey & Burstow Hunt PC Branch and has successfully coached numerous riders over many years. She works on basic principles to gain confidence between horse and rider.
Michaela will teach in the resurfaced "rubber" arena, using gymnastic exercises including polework, canter rails and bounces and linking them all together to help both horse and rider prepare for the season ahead. She will teach groups from 60cm up to 80cm (wishing to compete at 70cm, 80cm or 90cm this season). Groups of 4 for one hour. Cost £10.
This training day has been generously subsidised by Area 11.
Name of Member:
PC Branch:
Most recent Pony Club Test taken:
What height are you jumping at home?
At what height can you confidently complete a full course of show jumps including doubles and spreads? Must be a minimum height of 90cm for Ernest and 60cm for Michaela.
Which session are you applying for?
Are you a member of BS?
Horse Registered Name
Contact email address
Contact mobile number
District Commissioner or Branch Coach to confirm ability as described above and confirm current Pony Club membership.
Cost per member £20 for Ernest Dillon, £10 for Michaela Tomlinson. Payment directly by BACS to the Old Surrey & Burstow Hunt Branch Bank account upon confirmation of place.
Completed form to be emailed to Caroline Matthews at: via your DC to book your place. You must be a current member of The Pony Club when booking.
Places offered on a first come, first served basis on receipt of the form.