06 March, 2021

C level rally Saturday 3rd April

C Test Level Rally - Saturday April 3rd, Plumpton College - with Polly Thom instructing. 
Time tbc (but likely to be mid-day/early afternoon).

If you are already working towards your C test efficiency badge or are ready to start, then please come to this ridden rally. At the moment we are just finalising the details of exact timings and costs but please leave a comment or pm me if you are wanting to attend.
The minimum age for this test is 11 years and you need to have passed your D+ level to take the test. You will also need to have passed your Riding and Road Safety before you can be awarded the C test certificate, but if you haven't done your Road Safety yet you can still attend the rally.
We are planning a further C test level rally at the end of April, and then hope to hold a test date during the May half term.
Please have a look at the C test riding syllabus to understand more about what is involved at this level. 

Any questions please contact Lorna Thwaites on lornajthwaites@gmail.co.uk

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