13 September, 2021

C and C+ level rallies

Dear all

Just to remind you of what we have coming up for members working at C/C+ Level (open to those who are working towards their tests or riding at this level but not wishing to take their tests)

C Test level - ZOOM Horse and Pony Care Non Ridden rally with Angela Whitehead
If you are working towards your C test or are 11 years and older and would like to increase your horse and pony care knowledge, please attend. There are 3 sessions (covering different subjects) and the first is next Thursday 23rd September

C/C+ Level Working Rally at Plumpton College with Sonia Chittenden
Please book onto this rally if you are working towards your C or C+ test or are riding at this level and wanting to develop your riding skills but not wishing to take your tests.

The organiser is Lorna Thwaites and she can be contacted via email lornajthwaites@gmail.com or mobile 07890 708 983

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