04 February, 2022

C/C+ rally Plumpton College 12th February

Here are the groups for the C/C+ level rallies at Plumpton College on Saturday 12th February.  Please arrive in good time to be mounted and ready for the rally and clean up any hay or droppings around your trailer/box in the car park.
Your organiser is Lorna Thwaites and her number is 07890 708 983 should you need to reach her on the day. Sonia Chittenden is instructing.

10am  to 11am
Bella  Thwaites - Jen
Clara  Thwaites - Dee
Chloe Wright - Cosmic
Polly Biggins - Pasha
Amelie de La Rosa - Laddy
Isabel Pollard - Bridie

11am to 12pm
Lily Hemsley - Liam 
Chloe Warren - Dodger
Tilda Pardoe - Monty
Taylor Thompson - Dipsy 
Tilly Luffs-Sparkes - Dexter 
Larna Stone - Flyte 

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