29 January, 2023

Wanted: New best friend

Please note, allowing members and others to post adverts for members is a service which Southdown East branch of the Pony Club is offering to members as a benefit of membership.  It is done in good faith and without any liability on the part of the Pony Club.  If you enter into any arrangement advertised or purchase any item following an advertisement listed by the branch, you do so as a private individual, without recourse to the Pony Club, and must satisfy yourself that any product or arrangement is suitable for your circumstances.

My 14 year old daughter wants to buy or loan a horse to keep in the Brighton and surrounding area. She is 5 foot and weighs about 52 kilos. She has been riding over 5 years.  She is confident and would consider a mare or gelding of 14.2 hands or over .  She needs a safe , experienced, and easy-going friend who she can hack out with alone or in company, is safe in traffic, easy to catch, shoe, clip and stable and would like pony club events and camps.


Please contact Maria Hawton-Mead on 07973616710.  Thank you.   



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