24 February, 2025

Area Quiz - please reply to Sonia if interested asap

The Pony Club Area 11 National Quiz Qualifier

Hosted by West Kent Meopham Branch

Sunday 9th March 2025, at 2- 4.30pm

Arrival from 1.30pm with briefing at 1.45pm

Ditton Community Centre, Kiln Barn Road, Ditton,

Kent, ME20 6AH

Entry Fee:  £40 per team via Entrymaster https://wkmeophampc.entrymaster.online/

       Closing Date: Wednesday 26th  February 2025

Official organisers:    

Jane Laird : 07957 252271

Beverly Saville 07791458621

Teas, coffees and cakes will be available

There will be a side hall for parents/carers to wait in and a raffle with lots of lovely prizes. 

Please bring cash as no card payment option available.




  • Mini Section- Team of four - Ages to be 10 years and under on the 1st of January of competition year, with one member to be 8 years and under. 
  • Junior/Senior Section – Teams of four - must have two junior members (ages to be 14 years and under )  and then two of any age up to 25.

All ages will be taken from the 1st January 2025

Highest placed Centre and Branch teams from each section will qualify for the Quiz Final which will take place on 4th May 2025 at Sheffield Wednesday Football Stadium Any further qualifying places will be in accordance with the rule book.

Competitors should wear PC sweatshirts/polo shirts and smart, comfortable trousers (no ripped jeans) and shoes. One team member must wear a XC bib containing their pony club branch and team name.

 Team name will need to be printed at home.



Each team entered is required to provide one steward to help officiate at each 'station'. Stewards do not need to have extensive equestrian knowledge but are there to assist teams and to ensure fair practise throughout the competition. Full briefing will be given for all stewards before the competition starts. Without sufficient stewards, the competition cannot run. Steward details will be requested on Entrymaster.   


Health & Safety

Organisers of this event have taken reasonable precautions to ensure the  health and safety of everyone present. For these measures to be effective, everyone must take all reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accidents occurring and must obey the instructions of the organisers and all the officials and stewards.

Legal Liability

Save for the death or personal injury caused by the negligence of the organisers, or anyone for whom they are in law responsible, neither the organisers of this event or The Pony Club nor any agent, employee or representative of these bodies, nor the landlord or their tenant, accepts any liability for any accident, loss, damage, injury or illness to horses, owners, riders, spectators, land, cars, their contents and accessories, or any other person or property whatsoever. Entries are only accepted on this basis.


20 February, 2025


Please note, allowing members and others to post adverts for members is a service which Southdown East branch of the Pony Club is offering to members as a benefit of membership.  It is done in good faith and without any liability on the part of the Pony Club.  If you enter into any arrangement advertised or purchase any item following an advertisement listed by the branch, you do so as a private individual, without recourse to the Pony Club, and must satisfy yourself that any product or arrangement is suitable for your circumstances.

The following advertisement is placed by Gemma Johnson (a parent of a former member in the Branch).  Gemma may be contacted on 07901 876199.

19 February, 2025

New dates

Two dates to add to your diaries - both on website and available for booking with spaces limited

Saturday 29th March - Working Hunter rally at East Byshee, Newchapel.  Come and learn what working hunter is all about, training over natural obstacles within an arena with jumps 60cm upwards

Saturday 24th May - All Day Rally at Bucklands Farm Cross Country course - a mixture of dressage, showjumping, cross country, achievement badges and lots of fun

12 February, 2025

Show jumping rally at Alderlake 15th February - spaces available too

Here are the groups-

Milly P

Millie B

Spaces in both. Polly Thom instructing.
Please clear any hay/ droppings and set the jumps back to 90cm after last lesson.

Have fun!

07 February, 2025

Spurs Test

A Spurs Test has been organised for those that need to wear spurs but have not attained their C+ test or above.  This will take place on Sunday 2nd March at Toad Hall Equestrian @11.00 onwards and cost is £15 to our members.

The test will be examined by an outside assessor and comprises of both theory and ridden sections. The theory covers all aspects of the syllabus and includes observing candidates putting on and fitting their spurs correctly.  For the ridden part candidates will be observed riding without spurs at walk, trot, canter, performing school figures, jumping 2 fences to demonstrate riding over and inbetween fences.

If the assessor is satisfied that the candidate has shown a balanced and stable position with a secure lower leg, they will then be asked to put on their spurs and repeat the movements above.

After the test the assessor will deliver the results. Both theory and practical parts of the test need to be taken and passed on the same day. Unsuccessful candidates cannot be reassessed on the same day.

If you are ready for this test and would like to do it, please book very quickly. There are 8 spaces only. Any spaces not taken by 10th February will be offered to other Branches.

Once booked, Sonia will send you the syllabus and a date will be arranged for all candidates to attend an unmounted training session.  Many candidates have failed for not being properly prepared and not understanding the syallabus - the 3 girls who attended the last training session do not have to redo the training unless they feel they would like to be refreshed.

Candy Robbins

0781 6580322

05 February, 2025

Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Egg Hunt - unmounted on Sunday 13th April at Redhouse Common, Chailey, BN8 4JE - 2.00PM start.

This is free to all our members, all ages very welcome and siblings welcome too.

Please meet Anne Cook in the car park for the start.

Please message candyrobbins06@gmail.com to register so we know how many eggs to hide