A Spurs Test has been organised for those that need to wear spurs but have not attained their C+ test or above. This will take place on Sunday 2nd March at Toad Hall Equestrian @11.00 onwards and cost is £15 to our members.
The test will be examined by an outside assessor and comprises of both theory and ridden sections. The theory covers all aspects of the syllabus and includes observing candidates putting on and fitting their spurs correctly. For the ridden part candidates will be observed riding without spurs at walk, trot, canter, performing school figures, jumping 2 fences to demonstrate riding over and inbetween fences.
If the assessor is satisfied that the candidate has shown a balanced and stable position with a secure lower leg, they will then be asked to put on their spurs and repeat the movements above.
After the test the assessor will deliver the results. Both theory and practical parts of the test need to be taken and passed on the same day. Unsuccessful candidates cannot be reassessed on the same day.
If you are ready for this test and would like to do it, please book very quickly. There are 8 spaces only. Any spaces not taken by 10th February will be offered to other Branches.
Once booked, Sonia will send you the syllabus and a date will be arranged for all candidates to attend an unmounted training session. Many candidates have failed for not being properly prepared and not understanding the syallabus - the 3 girls who attended the last training session do not have to redo the training unless they feel they would like to be refreshed.
Candy Robbins
0781 6580322
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