07 January, 2014

Ardingly Jumping - from Candy

These are the small novice and novice teams for Ardingly as selected by Sarah Muggeridge.


Small Novice:

"Green Team"

Jasmine Pearce - Bally Bought Skyline

Rhiannon Vesey Holt - Stormy Cascade

Jodie Watson - Scooby

Rosie Brooks - Silver


"Yellow Team"

Georgia Corrin - Oopsy Daisy

Annabelle Irwin - Jambo

Chloe Macdonald - Arthur

Mimi Nation Dixon - Toffee


Reserve: Francesca Fairhead - Zac



"Blue Team"

Jessica Copsey - Atlanta Riva

Emma Robbins - Charlie Chalk

Alice Reffin - Henry

Beth Giddings - Shaun's Delight


"Red Team"

Kezzie Fish - Whiskey

Daniel Dickens - Charlie

Jason Watson - Scooby

Katie Vaughan - Portia


Reserve: Kitty Ridler - Macho


Other entries I have recieved from you are:

Small Novice Individual:

Jodie Watson - Scooby

Alice Reffin - Henry

Rosie Brooks - Silver

Rhiannon Vesey Holt - Stormy Cascade

Xanthe Fairhead - Louis

Francesca Fairhead - Zac

Annabelle Irwin - Jambo

Mimi Nation Dixon - Toffee

Georgia Corrin -Oopsy Daisy

Katie Vaughan - Portia

Jasmine Pearce - Bally Bought Skyline


Novice Individual:

Emma Robbins - Charlie Chalk

Jessica Copsey - Atlanta Riva

Beth Giddings - Shaun's Delight

Jason Watson - Scooby

Rhiannon Vesey Holt - Stormy Cascade

Kitty Ridler - Macho



Kezzie Fish - Whiskey

Daniel Dickens - Charlie

Katie Vaughan - Portia

Jessica Copsey - Atlanta Riva



Katie Vaughan - Portia



Please could you all send me your entry fees by the 10th, when entries officially close, and to include £3.00 first aid per rider.


Jodie Watson  -  £23.00

Jason Watson £23.00

Alice Reffin - £23.00

Rosie Brooks - £23.00

Rhiannon Vesey Holt - £33.00

Xanthe Fairhead - £ 13.00  (Paid)

Francesca Fairhead - £13.00 (Paid - will let you know about the reserve payment if required) Annabelle Irwin - £23.00 Mimi Nation Dixon - £23.00 Georgia Corrin - £23.00 Katie Vaughan - £45.00 (Paid  43.00, with 2.00 owing please) Jasmine Pearce - £23.00 (Paid) Chloe Macdonald - £13.00 Emma Robbins - £23.00 Jessica Copsey - £35.00 Beth Giddings - £23.00 Kitty Ridler - £13.00 (Paid - will let you know about the reserve payment if required) Kezzie Fish - £25.00 Daniel Dickens - £25.00


All classes are a drawn order and should be on the website by Thursday evening. When these have been done, I will give a rough idea of timings for course walking with Sarah etc.

If anything above has changed, please let me know by return as I will be keying everything into the computer over the bext few days. Thankyou


Candy Robbins

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