06 January, 2014

Mounted Games Future Dates - from Dan Dickens

Hi all,


After the success of the mounted games rally on the 2nd January, the following rally dates have been booked at Plumpton College. They are all from 5.15pm - 7.15pm. The times will be divided up into two groups, the first hour being for the younger and less experienced members. The rally will cost £7.50 per person. The dates are as follows:


Friday 24th January.


Friday 21st February.


Wednesday 19th March.


Names to danieldickens52@gmail.com at least a week before each rally so that groups can be organised. There is limited space so it will be on a first come first serve basis.

Please send payment to me at:

52 Vernon Avenue



BN2 6BF.


Hope to see many of you there,



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