11 September, 2014

Desperate for fence judges this Sunday PLEASE HELP!!!!!


I have just filled in the spreadsheet and only have 

Class 1 & 2  - 5 judges
Class 3 & 4 - 8 Judges 
Class 5 & 6 - 7 judges 
Class 7 - 3 judges 


Please can anyone who is free on sunday to help fence judge fill in the spreadsheet and email me
clairemfry@hotmail.co uk

Approx times 

Class 1 & 2 - 9 am to 11am

Class 3 & 4 - 11.30am to 2pm

Class 5 and 6 - 2.30pm to 4.30pm 

Class 7 5pm 

Thank you 


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