20 September, 2014

Fence Judges for next Sunday

Hi Everyone 


Thank you all so much for you help last Sunday. We had such a good turnout, contributed more than £2,000 into Branch Funds, and without your help we would have had to cancel which would clearly have been a shame.




This is the final event of 2014 is next Sunday and has come round very quickly.


I will be looking for XC fence Judges but as it's an ODE I will by Friday be able to give much clearer times so the following are approx for the XC phase.


Class 1 - 10 - 11am

Class 2 - 11.30 - 12.30

Class 3 - 1pm - 2pm

Class 4 - 2.30pm - 4pm

Class 5 - 4.30pm - 6pm


Please email me clairemfry@hotmail.co.uk or put your name straight onto the spreadsheet.


Thank you 


Claire xx



I also need another fantastic parent to make all the lunches for all the helpers and would really appreciate if someone can help with this again email me or ring me 0772 988 0293

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