Please read carefully and inwardly digest the message below from Martin Wright, PC Area Coordinator, about the rule concerning earrings and piercings while riding. This is a completely non-negotiable subject and the rules will be strictly enforced at all our activities. Don't say you didn't know! Mike
Dear all,
As the mounted area competitions start this weekend, and I have been asked by a couple of confused parents recently, I thought I would remind everyone of the Pony Club rules regarding earrings (and any other piercings).
The rule is very simple - these are not allowed in any form, at all, at any rally, camp or competition; regardless of tapes, plasters or anything else and riders will have to remove them before riding. The rule book states:
"No jewelry is allowed for safety reasons, other than a wristwatch, a wedding ring, a stock pin worn horizontally or a tie clip. It is recommended that stock pins are removed for cross country. Members who are contemplating piercing their ears or any other part of their body should be aware that they will not be allowed to participate in any Pony Club mounted equestrian activity until such time as the "sleepers" can be safely removed. The reason for this is that sleepers have in the past caused injuries following falls."
Martin Wright
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