08 July, 2015

Fence judges needed please for ODE 19th July

We are holding our next One Day Event, kindly sponsored by Baldocks of Wivelsfield, on Sunday 19th July at Wivelsden Farm and hope to see lots of SDHE members there having a fabulous time.

To enable this event to be held we will need fences judges – lots!!!  Experience is not needed as you will be shown what to do and you also get fed.  Claire Fry is co-ordinating fence judges, so please contact Claire on 07729 880293  or clairemfry@hotmail.co.uk with your offers of help. Any time you can give will be much appreciated whether it be AM, PM, a couple of hours or all day!  Once the entries close and the times have been worked out, Claire will be able to contact you with the times she would like you to cover if possible.

Without fence judges the event cannot take place.


Plea No 2 is for volunteers to make delicious cakes with which to feed our fence judges and those who work  behind the scenes – please leave with Claire in the fence judges marquee.


Hoping we get lots of offers to help with the above and enable our members to have an enjoyable day.


Thanking you all in advance.


Candy Robbins

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