05 October, 2015

Team jumping at Golden Cross 15th November 2015

East Sussex Pony Club are hosting their team jumping competition at Golden Cross on Sunday 15th November.

Class 1:  Mini Mini Team and Individual for genuine novices and riders must be 10 years or under on the day of the show.  Assistance may be given by the team manager only, to provide moral support and assistance if the rider needs help, but NOT to be led. If the judge feels this rule has been abused the rider will be eliminated!   Jumps approx.. 50-60cm and will include back rails

  £12.00 Individals    £48 per team   (+ £3.00 first aid per rider)


Class 2: Mini Team and Individual.  A) Riders 12 years or under on day of show

b) Individual riders 13 years and over on day of show.     65 – 70cm   Combinations (rider and pony) not to have won more than £30 SJ or represented their Branch at Novice Area SJ

£12.00 Indivuals     £48.00 per team    (+ £3.00 first aid per rider)


Class 3: Small Novice Team and Individual    75-80cm   Combinations (rider and pony) not to have represented their Branch at Intermediate or Open Area SJ

£12.00 Individuals     £48.00 team    (+ £3.00 first aid per rider)


Class 4:  Novice Team and Individual      85-90cm    Combinations (rider and pony) not to have represented their Branch at Intermediate or Open Area SJ

£12.00 Individual      £48.00 per team  (+ £3.00 first aid per rider)



Class 5:  Dengie Winter League Qualifier    First Round 90cm  Table A7    £12.00 + £3.00 first aid per rider


Class 1 – 4 will run as single phase- course in 2 parts with the second part timed. All will jump against the clock immediately after the first part, even with faults, unless eliminated. (3 refusals before elimination.


No combination of horse/pony and rider may enter in more than one team and no competitor may ride 2 horses in the same team. No horse may compete in more than one team.

All team members are automatically entered for the individual competition.


If you are interested in entering either as an individual or being considered to be part of a team, please let us know by 15th October at the very latest in order to get the selections and paperwork done.


Classes 1 & 2  -  Names to Emily Pincus


Classes 3,4 and 5   - names to Candy Robbins


Please be certain you meet the criteria of each class and fully aware of the heights in each class.





Candy Robbins and Emily Pincus

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