09 September, 2016

Stable Management rally at Vixengrove 17th Sept - replies to Melanie Cammies

Unmounted Stable Management Rally for members working towards E, D & D+ standard next Saturday 17.09.16 at Vixengrove Farm, Cinder Hill, Chailey, BN8 4HR.  11 - 11.45 & 11.45 - 12.30pm.  £5 to include a drink and biscuit.  Tea & coffee for waiting parents. All enquiries to melaniecammies@btinternet.com/07831184821    Please send in rally forms and payment ASAP - if there are insufficient numbers I will have to cancel - I have only received 3 names thus far and only 1 has paid.    Polly Thom is organising a test day in the October half term and it is beneficial for those hoping to take a test to attend these SM rallies beforehand and, they are fun to attend.    We have kindly been offered Vixengrove Farm by Mr and Mrs Day as a venue but as it is a working livery yard it is essential that any member attending must inform me in advance if there is any sickness in their own yard thus avoiding the spread of infections.    Kind regards,  Melanie  melaniecammies@btinternet.com / 07831184821  

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