26 September, 2016

team jumping 15th & 16th October - from Candy Robbins

Surrey Union branch of the Pony Club are hosting a team jumping competition at Felbridge on Saturday 15th October –

Class 5: Dengie Debut Winter League Qualifier   80cm    

Class 6: Novice Individual  80-85cm

Class 7: Novice team  80-85cm

Class 8: Dengie Winter League Qualifier  90cm

Class 9: 1mt Individual and Teams   

Class 10:  1.05-1.10 Individuals and Teams

Rider/horse combination in class 7 may compete in class 9 as indivduals but not in another team or class 10

Entry fee:  £18.00 per class for Indivduals     £70.00 teams of 4



Eridge Pony Club are running a team jumping competition at Golden Cross on Sunday 16th October –


Class 4: Dengie Debut Qualifier   80cm

Class 5: Novice Team and Individual   85-90cm

Class 6: Dengie Winter League Qualifier  90cm

No competitor may ride 2 horses in the same team


Entry fee: Classes 4 & 6 £14.00   Class 5 £12.00 + £3.00 first aid per rider


If you are interested in being considered for any of the above, please let me have your name, horses name and the event and class you are interested in by 1st October latest so teams can be selected and payment collected in order for entries to be submitted before the closing dates.



Candy Robbins

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