20 October, 2016

Interbranch mini showjumping at Golden Cross 13th November

East Sussex Pony Club are hosting an Interbranch showjumping event at Golden Cross on Sunday 13th November. If you are interested in being considered for any of the following, please e-mail me your details by this Sunday 23rd October at the very latest (on behalf of Emily Pincus) – I will need your name, horses name, your date of birth and the class you would like to be considered for.


Class 1: 55cm Team and Individual (WILL include back rails)  £12.00 + £3.00 first aid

This class is for genuine novices and therefore riders must be 12 years or under on the day of the show. Assistance in this class may be given in accordance with rule 2; The team manager/trainer ONLY may accompany members of their branch in the ring to provide moral support and assistance if the rider gets into difficulty, but NOT TO BE LED. This is to encourage and support members during their early competition experience – if the judge feels this rule has been abused, the rider may be eliminated.

Class 2: 65cm Team and Individual  £12.00 + £3.00 first aid

Combinations of horse and rider should not have won more than £30 showjumping or represented their branch at Novice Area SJ

Class 3: 75 cm Team and Individual  £12.00 + £3.00 first aid



Candy Robbins


(On behalf of Emily Pincus)

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