06 October, 2016

showjumping info for teams at Felbridge - from Emily Pincus

Dear All,

The individual entries and teams, as selected by Angela, for the Surrey Union PC Showjumping at Felbridge on Saturday 15th October are:

Class 1 50-60cm Individuals
Libby Webber - Belle

Class 3 60-70cm Individuals
Ethan Collins - Taz
Jack Pincus - Panda
Jessica Taylor - Inca
Ben Burgess - Bracken

Class 4 70cm Teams
Ethan Collins - Taz
Ben Burgess - Bracken 
Jack Pincus - Panda
Lily Taylor-Martin - Forest Fire

Please could you check all the above details are correct and let me know any changes ASAP.
The entry fee per member including First Aid is as follows:

Libby Webber - £16
Ethan Collins - £33.50
Jack Pincus - £33.50
Jessica Taylor - £16
Ben Burgess - £33.50 (paid)
Lily Taylor-Martin - £16

Please could you make the cheques payable to Southdown Hunt East and post by return to my address below. Unfortunately no BACS for Show entries!

from the evening of Thursday 13th October 

Please ensure all ponies and riders are turned out immaculately. Ponies must be clean, with clean tack and a plain numnah (black, blue, brown or white). Riders to be in beige jods, clean boots with either clips or chaps. Shirt and Pony Club tie and hacking jacket. Hairnets for girls and gloves for all. No "Bling" please!

Any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

Kind Regards

Gun Road
East Sussex 
TN22 5JZ
07808 783974

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