21 January, 2017

Interbranch showjumping with Eridge pc at Golden Cross - from Candy Robbins

Eridge PC are hosting an interbranch show jumping competition of Sunday 19th February at Golden Cross. If you are interested in any of the following please let me have your names and payment (cheques made payable to SDHE or cash – NO BACS!) by 29th January lastest

Class 1: Individual and team 75-80cm    14.00 entry fee

Class 2: Dengie Debut  80cm   16.00 entry fee

Class 3:  Novice Individual and team  85-90cm  14.00 entry fee

Class 4: Dengie Winter League  90cm  16.00 entry fee


Those who are selected for teams will automtatically be entered as individuals. If you are not entered as part of a team, you will still compete as an individual


Candy Robbins


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