09 June, 2017

Free HIckstead Tickets - First Refusal to Helpers at our ODE on Sunday

We have our usual allocation of free entry tickets to Hickstead (parking not included) for the following days:

Thursday 22/6
Friday 23/6
Saturday 24/6

Thursday 27/7

We are offering these tickets in the first instance as a thank you to those people coming to help at our ODE on Sunday and any remaining tickets will be offered to members and their families thereafter.  So if you are helping (eg. fence judging, tack checking, stewarding, secretaries etc.) and would like tickets please e-mail me.  Strictly first come, first served.

A maximum of 4 tickets per applicant please.  Tickets will be e-mailed and you will need to print them A4.  Please indicate the capacity in which you are helping.


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