07 June, 2017

HELP is urgently needed to enable our ODE to go ahead this Sunday - PLEASE

Email Anne c.cook578@btinternet.com or text/ring 07795547712.  Please please can you come forward and help on Sunday.  As things stand at the moment we will not be able to run the event.  We need tack checkers and stewards to cover the three disciplines, not just fence judges.  We run these events to subsidise rallies and buy new equipment which benefits all our members.  The committee give up a tremendous amount of time organising our events but we can't do   it all on our own.   I have had a lot offers of help for this evening which is great. But we need the following on Sunday-  3 tack checkers AM and PM.  3 stewards AM and PM  I look forward to hearing from you.  Anne    Sent from my iPhone

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