12 November, 2019

C/C+ rally 7th December at Plumpton - from Sarah Taylor

C/C+ Rally at Plumpton 7th December

The next C/C+ rally is at Plumpton on 7th December (1 - 3pm). Please book online (I have just tested it and it should be working this time). We are looking forward to welcoming all of our members who passed their D+ on Saturday. Sonia will be instructing.


These rallies will continue monthly into March and then we are looking to hold rallies throughout the summer at an outdoor venue. These rallies will be aimed at those who have passed their D+ and working towards their C test. We will include riding and stable mgmt. at each rally. These aren't all serious test practise sessions just fun informative rallies with a mixture of jumping and flat work. Even if you or your children are not sure whether you want to take your C test do still come along. Once I've secured a venue they will be ready to book.


Any questions about C or C+ rallies do get in touch, my email is taylor4@sky.com. Sarah Taylor


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