04 November, 2019

E/D/D+ rally and tests Saturday 9th November - from Melanie Cammies

imes for Saturday 9th November E/D/D+ rally & Tests at Plumpton College    10am E/D ride & Tests    Ottilie Day - Derek  Bea Swanson - Berry  Milly Pile - Piglet  Amber Stone -   Jemima Moon - Ruby    11am D ride & D Tests    Charlotte Daw - Chelli  Millie Boreham - Bo  Larna Stone - Lola  Leon Martin - Starlite  Lilli-mae Citroen - Billy    12pm D+ Tests    Isabel Pollard - Arnie  Isabel Day - Nero  Valentine Gage - Spirit  Bella Thwaites - Dipsy  Polly Biggins - Lucky  Flora Norris - Billy  Chloe Warren - Woody  Lily Hemsley - Zebedee  Chloe Wright - Cosmic  Imogen Taylor - Ollie  Tabitha Buxton - Jelly Bean    Please would you all bring your pony/ horse passport which will be checked before unloading.  All members to wear cream jodhpurs, white shirt, PC tie & sweatshirt, hair tied back and in a hairnet for girls, clean polished boots, no jewellery.  Clean tack, plain with no bling & clean, tidy ponies please.  D+ group to wear gloves and bring a hacking jacket for prize giving please.  Please arrive in plenty of time for your allocated ride, clear up all hay/droppings from around your trailer/horse box before leaving and no pony to be left unattended in the car park.    Look forward to seeing you all and enjoy your rides - good luck to those taking tests.  Any queries to melaniecammies@btinternet.com / 07831 184821.    Melanie        Sent from my iPad

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