13 April, 2021

FAO those attending the senior 'C' level working rally on Sunday 25th April - from Lorna Thwaites

FAO those attending the Senior  'C Level' Working Rally on Sunday 25th April

As you know, the 'C' Test Certificate consists of both Horse and Pony Care as well as Riding. Members will be tested on both during the C Test exam. 
Earlier in the year, SDHE PC ran a series of online stable management rallies to help prepare everyone for the Horse and Pony Care. We are now planning to run a practical session as part of the senior working rally on Sunday 25th April, which will be instructed by Polly Thom. This session will last for half an hour and will be done at your horsebox/ trailer in the Plumpton College car park, ensuring we keep COVID safe.

The first group will have their Horse and Pony care instruction prior to the ridden rally and the second group after their ridden rally. This means the total rally duration will be an hour and a half (horse and pony care and ridden). For this extra horse and pony care session there will be an additional charge of £5 per member - this will soon be on the website to book and pay for. Please do attend this part of the rally - particularly if you are hoping to sit your 'C' Test exam this June. Start times are still tbc and will be confirmed once the times for the earlier Mini/Junior rallies on the 25th April have been set. The first group is likely to be 12.30 start.

Don't forget other 'C' Test Level dates for your diary:
Wed 26th May - Online ZOOM rally for Road Rider Achievement Badge, 6.30 to 7.30pm (this must be attended if you are wishing to take your Road Rider Achievement Badge)
Sat 29th May - Road Rider Achievement Badge, Wivelsden Farm - timings are tbc but this badge takes several hours to complete. Candidates for the 'C' Test Certificate must have trained for and passed their Road Rider Achievement Badge before they can be awarded the 'C' Test. This is different badge to the Road Rider Mini Achievement badge that some members may have already taken.
Sat 5th June - C Test Exam. 
** Before taking the 'C' Test Certificate, candidates must have passed their D+ Test Certificate

If you have any questions please drop the C Test organiser Lorna Thwaites an email on lornajthwaites@gmail.com 

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