01 April, 2021

Rally at Plumpton, Saturday 3rd April - COVID REGULATIONS THAT MUST BE FOLLOWED

Hi all - Southdown Hunt East Pony Club is looking forward to seeing many of you this weekend at our first ridden rally of the year. Whilst it is very exciting to finally be able to ride together, please continue to keep yourself and others as safe as you can by following the Pony Club guidance on COVID-19:

COVID Regulations for Working Rallies 03 April 2021 – the rallies will be held in the outdoor arena.  

In accordance with Pony Club guidance, SDHE PC requests the following at the rallies on Saturday: 

If you are watching your child/member during the rally, please follow the 2m social distancing separation rule. 

Only one person from the same household to be transporting their child/member to training and help with unloading, tacking up etc.

Travelling should be undertaken with people from the same household.

Other siblings and family members not involved in the lesson should not attend if possible.

When parking your transport please leave 5 to 10m between vehicles.

PPE masks are not compulsory if social distancing is maintained. 

Please bring hand sanitiser and use immediately as you arrive and leave.

No hand shaking or hugging when greeting.


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