30 April, 2021

Help clearing up at Firle

We will need help clearing jumps away and rings so if anyone has an hour to spare tomorrow afternoon about 3.30pm, please come and help us clear up after the combined training at Firle tomorrow. Thanks.



Area Dressage Training

Please see the attached document.

27 April, 2021

Pony Club Advertisement

Please note, allowing members and others to post adverts for members is a service which Southdown East branch of the Pony Club is offering to members as a benefit of membership.  It is done in good faith and without any liability on the part of the Pony Club.  If you enter into any arrangement advertised or purchase any item following an advertisement listed by the branch, you do so as a private individual, without recourse to the Pony Club, and must satisfy yourself that any product or arrangement is suitable for your circumstances.

PLEASE SEND ANY REPLY TO gemma@middleton-bespoke.co.uk


We're based in West Sussex and desperately searching for our next pony for our 10 year old daughter. I hope it's ok to contact you just in case you know of any ponies that might be for sale or outgrown in your branch and are for sale. Our daughter has sadly outgrown her first pony and is still a novice. Ideally we are looking for a 13.1-14hh safe, steady schoolmaster and can offer a lovely long term pony club home with our younger daughter's pony.
I would be hugely grateful if you know of anything at all if you could forward my details.
Many thanks,
Gemma Middleton


25 April, 2021

EHV forms required for rallies

Just a reminder that all parents of   Members attending rallies need to complete EHV forms (Equine Herpes Virus) and return these to the organisers.   This is required by all venues and if this form is not completed you will not be allowed to attend the rally.  Thank you for your co-operation.  Anne    Sent from my iPhone

Combined Training at Firle

Just a reminder to enter our combined training at Firle on 1st May.  Entries close next Tuesday.   Anne  

22 April, 2021

Road Rider Achievement Badge

The Road Rider Achievement badge is now on the SDHE PC website to book.
There are two parts to this badge - a zoom rally on Wed 26th May and then a ridden rally on Sat 29th May. Pls book both parts separately. The ridden rally is to be held at Wivelsden and the instructor is Angela Whitehead.
This badge is required for all members wanting to take their C test in the next 12 months and is open to members 10 years and above. The 'C' test certificate cannot be awarded unless this badge is held so please do try and attend if you can.

20 April, 2021

Dressage rally 15th May

The dressage rally with Brenda Smith is now online to book.
15th May, Plumpton College, £12.50 per person, start time 1.30pm.
There is currently only one session available with 6 spaces so if you want to come, book soon! 
Riders can be at different levels in their dressage but need to be proficient in their riding - i.e. confident in their walk, trot and canter.
Any questions pls email Lorna Thwaites lornajthwaites@gmail.com

16 April, 2021

Combined Training at Firle Place - !st May

Just a reminder to enter our combined training on Saturday 1st May at Firle Place.  Classes from cross poles to 90cm.  Entries via My Riding Life.  Come and enjoy yourselves at this lovely venue.  Any queries contact   Anne on 07795547712 or email  c.cook578@btinternet.com  Anne    

C level working rally at Plumpton 25th April

For those attending the Senior 'C' Test level Working Rally on Sunday 25th April

Timings and groups for next Sunday - Polly Thom is instructing:

Group 1 Bella, Clara, Sydney, Chloe Wright, Valentine, Isabel
12.30 to 1pm Horse and Pony Care (pls book and pay on the SDHEPC website)
1 - 2 pm Ridden Rally

Group 2 Polly, Lily, Roxy, Chloe Warren, Thea, Amelie
2 to 3pm Ridden Rally
3 to 3.30pm Horse and Pony Care (pls book and pay on the SDHEPC website)

Pls remember the Pony Club COVID guidelines:
If you are watching your child/member during the rally, please follow the 2m social distancing separation rule.
Only one person from the same household to be transporting their child/member to training and help with unloading, tacking up etc.
Travelling should be undertaken with people from the same household.
Other siblings and family members not involved in the lesson should not attend if possible.
When parking your transport please leave 5 to 10m between vehicles.
If you are watching your child member during the rally, please follow the 2m social distancing separation rule. PPE masks are not compulsory if social distancing is maintained.
Please bring hand sanitiser and use immediately as you arrive and leave.
No hand shaking or hugging when greeting.

13 April, 2021

FAO those attending the senior 'C' level working rally on Sunday 25th April - from Lorna Thwaites

FAO those attending the Senior  'C Level' Working Rally on Sunday 25th April

As you know, the 'C' Test Certificate consists of both Horse and Pony Care as well as Riding. Members will be tested on both during the C Test exam. 
Earlier in the year, SDHE PC ran a series of online stable management rallies to help prepare everyone for the Horse and Pony Care. We are now planning to run a practical session as part of the senior working rally on Sunday 25th April, which will be instructed by Polly Thom. This session will last for half an hour and will be done at your horsebox/ trailer in the Plumpton College car park, ensuring we keep COVID safe.

The first group will have their Horse and Pony care instruction prior to the ridden rally and the second group after their ridden rally. This means the total rally duration will be an hour and a half (horse and pony care and ridden). For this extra horse and pony care session there will be an additional charge of £5 per member - this will soon be on the website to book and pay for. Please do attend this part of the rally - particularly if you are hoping to sit your 'C' Test exam this June. Start times are still tbc and will be confirmed once the times for the earlier Mini/Junior rallies on the 25th April have been set. The first group is likely to be 12.30 start.

Don't forget other 'C' Test Level dates for your diary:
Wed 26th May - Online ZOOM rally for Road Rider Achievement Badge, 6.30 to 7.30pm (this must be attended if you are wishing to take your Road Rider Achievement Badge)
Sat 29th May - Road Rider Achievement Badge, Wivelsden Farm - timings are tbc but this badge takes several hours to complete. Candidates for the 'C' Test Certificate must have trained for and passed their Road Rider Achievement Badge before they can be awarded the 'C' Test. This is different badge to the Road Rider Mini Achievement badge that some members may have already taken.
Sat 5th June - C Test Exam. 
** Before taking the 'C' Test Certificate, candidates must have passed their D+ Test Certificate

If you have any questions please drop the C Test organiser Lorna Thwaites an email on lornajthwaites@gmail.com 

12 April, 2021

Area 11 Eventing and training day - from Candy Robbins

The Pony Club Area 11 Horse Trials will take place on Saturday 26th & Sunday 27th June 2021 at Brightling Park.


If you are interested in being considered as part of a team/individual, for the following classes please could you let me know asap, having  first made sure you fit the criteria within the rules.


There will be a training day at Brightling Park on Tuesday 1st June - £35.00 each – please contact me if you would like a place as these will be limited and open only to those expressing an interest in the Area competition.



PC100 – Intermediate Teams and Individuals

               Dressage test PC100 Eventing Test 2015

               Show Jumping: Max 1.05m

               Cross Country: Max 1m



PC 90 – Novice Teams and Individuals

               Dressage test PC90 Eventing Test 2013

               Show jumping: Max 95cm

               Cross Country: Max 90cm

Combinations are not eligible if they have completed a BE Novice or have achieved more than 3 clear cross country rounds at BE100



PC80 – Regional Teams and Individuals

               Dressage: PC Grassroots Test 2018

               Show jumping: Max 85cm

               Cross Country: Max 80cm

Riders are not eligible if they have represented their Branch at PC 90 or above in any area competition.

Combinations are not eligible if they have completed a PC90 eventing of BE90 competition




Combinations  for all classes need to have attended a minimum of 3 working rallies  since July 2020, one of which must be in the current membership year, in order to compete at Area competitions.




Many  thanks


Candy Robbins

0781 6580322       candyrobbins06@gmail.com

09 April, 2021

Jumping rally at Felbridge on Tuesday 13th April - from Candy


Times and groups for jumping rally at Felbridge – Tuesday 13th April 2021




Abby Beckett –  Billy

Izzy Jeffrey - ?

Jasmine Ward – Mary

Chloe Wright – Cosmic




Annabelle Orgill – Lily

Tilly Appleyard – Nigel

Lettice Schultz – Malone




Millie Boreham – Anya

Tilda Pardoe – Monty

Larna Stone – Flyte

Millie Turner – Chester



Polly Biggins – Pasha

Clara Thwaites – Blackjack

Bella Thwaites – Jen


Please could we all adhere to the following Pony Club Covid guidelines:


If you are watching your child during the rally please follow the 2 metre social distancing rule – PPE not compulsory if social distancing is maintained.

Only one person from the same household should accompany their child to training, and will need to help them with tacking up, checking stirrups and girth etc.

Travelling should only be with people from the same household.

Please leave 5 – 10 metres between vehicles when parking.

Please bring hand sanitiser and use as soon as you arrive and on leaving.

No hand shaking or hugging when greeting.




Please remember to bring the passport for your horse with the vaccination record as this may be checked by the venue.  Horses must have had a full course of injections completed within the last 12 months and there must be a clear 7 days from last injection to the date of the rally. The venue will not allow any horse to enter that does not comply with this rule, so thankyou for your co-operation.


Please could you all make sure you are tacked up promptly and ready to start at your allocated time. Please could you remove any droppings and hay from around your lorry before leaving – no horses to be left unattended tied to lorries/trailers.

Please wear correct pony club clothing i.e. beige jodphurs, white shirt, pc tie, pc sweatshirt, gloves and hairnets for the girls. Ponies to be clean and wearing clean plain tack.


Sorry for all the rules!  Hope you all have a great time and how great to be out enjoying our horses again.  If you need to contact me – 0781 6580322


Many thanks




Candy x





07 April, 2021

Combined Training schedule for Firle 1st Many 2021


                            COMBINED TRAINING – SATURDAY 1st MAY 2021                                                                                                                                             

                                    at Firle Place, Firle, East Sussex, BN8 6LP

                                           By kind permission of Lord and Lady Gage

                                                     Open to Pony Club members and associates only. 

                                     To be run under Pony Club Rules 2020.  No entries taken on the day.

                              Refreshments available.   LRG Phototgraphy.   First Aid: Event Medic Services


                                                    ENTRIES TO BE MADE ONLINE VIA 'MY RIDING LIFE'


                                                             Entries close on Tuesday 27th April 2021                

                  Any queries to Anne Cook, Email: c.cook578@btinternet.com, telephone 07795547712

               TIMES  WILL BE AVAILABLE ON OUR WEBSITE ON THURSDAY 29TH APRIL 2020 – sdhepc.org                                                                                         

                       Dressage Tests available to print off  from the main Pony Club Head Office website.


             Please bring your horse's passport and vaccination records with you.  All horses must

                                                          have a valid equine flu vaccination. 

              PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE IS NO WATER FOR HORSES AVAILABLE ON SITE SO PLEASE BRING                                                         

                                                                                  PLENTY WITH YOU.                                                         

                            Dogs are allowed on a short lead and under the control of a responsible adult.


ENTRY FEE  £14.00 per class

CLASS 1A         Pony Club Walk & Trot Dressage Test 2013             One round Show Jumping – 20cms

                           LEAD REIN.  Test may be called.                                           Cross poles

CLASS 1B         Pony Club Walk & Trot Dressage Test 2013             One round Show Jumping – 20cms

                           MAY BE ASSISTED BUT NOT LED. Test may be called.    Cross poles

CLASS 2           Pony Club Walk & Trot Dressage Test 2013             One round Show Jumping - 40-50cms

                        MAY BE ASSISTED BUT NOT LED.  Test may be called.

CLASS 3           Pony Club Introduction to Dressage Test 2019        One round Show Jumping - 60-70cms

                        Test may be called.

CLASS 4           Pony Club Grassroots Dressage Test 2018               One round Show Jumping - 80cms

                        Test may be called.

CLASS 5           Pony Club Novice Dressage Test 2020                      One Round Show Jumping - 90cms

                        Test may not be called.



You will be given a number with your time.  You need to print this off yourself and either put into your number bib or make your own back number with strings or you can use a bridle number .


The organisers of this event have taken reasonable precautions to ensure the health and safety of every person present.  For these measures to be effective, everyone must take reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accidents occurring and must obey the instructions of the organisers and all officials and stewards.

It is a condition of entry that all competitors read and abide by the following rules.


1.  All those present must adhere to current government guidance at the time of the event (https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus)  and comply with the following rules.  Anyone refusing to do so will be asked to leave immediately for their own and others' safety.

2. If you or anyone in your household has COVID-19 symptons or has received a positive test result, you must not attend the event.

3. Minimum numbers of people are permitted.  This is a 'behind closed door' event with no spectators,although this rule may be relaxed if restrictions allow (updated information will be issued via

SDHEPC's website and Facebook page.

4.  Competitors are asked to arrive, compete and leave as soon as possible.  There will be no prize giving.

Please leave ASE with the gate official when you leave if you would like us to send you your rosette and dressage test.

5.  One adult only is permitted to accompany each rider.

6.  Riders and their supporting adult to bring their own PPE.

7.  Please park where indicated.

8.  Maintain current rules on social distancing at all times, including ringside and in lorry park.

9.  No adults aside from the steward will be allowed in the warm-up areas (unless they are leading a lead-rein rider).  Warm-up areas will operate a one-way system of entry and exit, under control of a steward.

No more than 5 riders in each warm-up arena at any one time.

10.  All riders will be allocated their time for each class and this must be strictly adhered to.

11.  There will be no tack check.  The accompanying adult will be responsible for checking that each rider's 12.  No toilets available.

Rules and conditions

1.  Classes will be run under the Pony Club Showjumping and Dressage Rules 2020.

2.  Combinations can enter two classes but must be the height above.

3.  Hats must be tagged by members' own branch before the day.  Body Protectors must be BETA 2009 Level 3 (purple tag) or BETA 2018 Level 3 (blue and black label).

4.  Save for the death or personal injury caused by the negligence of the organisers, or anyone for whom they are in law responsible, neither the organisers of this event of The Pony Club nor any agent, employee or representative of these bodies, nor the landlord or his tenant, accepts any liability for any accident, loss, damage, injury or illness to horses, owners, riders, spectators, land, cars, their contents and accessories, or any other person or property whatsoever, whether caused by their negligence breach of contract or in any other way whatsoever.  Entries are only accepted on this basis.

5.  The decision of the judge is final.

6.  Objections are to be made to the Secretary in writing, within an hour of the disputed event, together with a deposit of £10 which will be refunded should the objection be upheld.

7.  Entries will not be refunded unless a doctor's or vet's certificate is produced.

8.  On the event of cancellation, £3 of the entry will be retained to defray costs.

9.   The organisers reserve the right to cancel, amend or add to the classes as they see fit.

10. Please park courteously and follow the instructions of the parking steward.

11. Horses must not be left unattended whilst tied up to your lorry/trailer.

12.  Please clear up all droppings, hay and litter and take home with you.

13.  Your payment of an entry fee shall be deemed to be an acceptance of the above rules and conditions.   



Combined Training at Firle - 1st May

Please see the attached schedule for our first event of 2021.  Something to look forward to in a beautiful setting.

06 April, 2021

Combined Training at Firle - from Anne Cook

Date for your diary-  We are running a Combined Training competition at Firle Place on Saturday 1st May for all Area 11   Pony Clubs. Classes cross poles to 90cms.    Perfect opportunity to practice your dressage and show jumping at a lovely venue.  Schedule will be out in the next couple of days.  Look forward to seeing you all. 

04 April, 2021

Achievement badge rally at Town Place on Tuesday 6th April

The times for the achievement rally at Town Place on Tuesday 6th April have needed to be changed.

The mini rally will now be at 3pm

The older rally will now be at 2pm

There is still time to enter via our website - This is an unmounted rally

03 April, 2021

Camp dates for 2021

Confirmed dates for camps


Senior residential camp will take place Sunday 1st August – Friday 6th August


Junior day camp will take place Monday 2nd August – Friday 6th August


Full information along with costings and deposits will follow very shortly, but in the meantime if you have any questions please contact Candy Robbins on 0781 6580322 or candyrobbins06@gmail.com


Many thanks


Candy Robbins

Camp Secretary

Looking for a lead rein pony - loan or buy

Former member Steph Barnes-Capps is looking for a lead rein pony to full term loan or buy at a sensible price, height 11.2/12.2hh.

Steph writes: "I have two girls who both are very keen riders. They currently have been riding my pony but unfortunately he is too big for them to do anything but walk on.
They would like a pony they can love, groom and do Pony Club activities on. Will be going to a experienced home. RH15 area."

If you are able to help please contact Steph by e-mail: sbarnescapps@hotmail.co.uk or phone: 07401 303200.

Thanks in advance :).

01 April, 2021

Rally at Plumpton, Saturday 3rd April - COVID REGULATIONS THAT MUST BE FOLLOWED

Hi all - Southdown Hunt East Pony Club is looking forward to seeing many of you this weekend at our first ridden rally of the year. Whilst it is very exciting to finally be able to ride together, please continue to keep yourself and others as safe as you can by following the Pony Club guidance on COVID-19:

COVID Regulations for Working Rallies 03 April 2021 – the rallies will be held in the outdoor arena.  

In accordance with Pony Club guidance, SDHE PC requests the following at the rallies on Saturday: 

If you are watching your child/member during the rally, please follow the 2m social distancing separation rule. 

Only one person from the same household to be transporting their child/member to training and help with unloading, tacking up etc.

Travelling should be undertaken with people from the same household.

Other siblings and family members not involved in the lesson should not attend if possible.

When parking your transport please leave 5 to 10m between vehicles.

PPE masks are not compulsory if social distancing is maintained. 

Please bring hand sanitiser and use immediately as you arrive and leave.

No hand shaking or hugging when greeting.