25 March, 2021

Camp reservations for 2021

  During "normal times" our dates for camps this year would be; Senior Camp Saturday 24th July – Saturday 31st August and Day Camp Monday 2nd – Friday 6th August.

However we are looking closely at numbers for both camps and may amalgamate all to run over the same week, likely to be the 2nd week, but this is not confirmed yet until we get final numbers.

I have received lots of names of those interested in Senior camp but would like to think there are more day camp members out there who have not as yet registered their interest.

If you are interested in camp or have any questions about camp, please could you let me know by this Saturday, 27th March, by emailing candyrobbins06@gmail.com or texting 0781 6580322.

Hopefully by the end of next week we will confirmed dates and costs etc.

Many thanks

Candy Robbins

Branch Secretary

23 March, 2021

Cross country rally 8th May at Comphurst


We will be running a cross country rally on Saturday 8th May at Comphurst, Hailsham BN27 4RZ. 

This is for those jumping over 80cm, the cost will be £37. Sonia will be instructing. 

Places are limited and are available for booking on our website now. 

If you have any questions please contact me on 07974 270980


Michelle Beckett

Cross Country rally 17th April


We will be running a cross country rally on Saturday 17th April at Bucklands Farm, Balcombe.

For those jumping up to 80cm this will cost £30. 

Places are limited and are available for booking on our website now 

If you have any questions please contact me on 07974 270980. 


Michelle Beckett

18 March, 2021

SDHE Pony Club Members Survey

Dear all,

The Committee at Southdown Hunt East Pony Club  are asking all our members (parents and carers if appropriate) to complete a short survey. This helps us know more about our members and what you would like to gain from your Pony Club membership with us.

Please follow this link. The closing date for the survey will be Friday 26th March 2021.

Kind Regards

Anne Cook
District Commissioner, Southdown Hunt East Pony Club

C level rallies and dates - from Lorna Thwaites

Dear all,

If you are working at C test level and/or wishing to take your C test here are some rallies and dates for you:

Saturday 3rd April - Working Rally C level with Polly Thom instructing, held at Plumpton College - due to numbers already booked on, this is likely to be run as two groups, 1pm to 2pm and 2pm to 3pm. Bookings will close one week before the rally so groups can be planned. Available to book on the SDHE PC website.

Sunday April 25th - Working Rally C level with Polly Thom instructing, held at Plumpton College. This will be primarily a ridden rally with some horse and pony care at the start/end of the rally. Available to book on the SDHE PC website.

Wednesday 26th May - Online ZOOM rally for Road Rider Achievement Badge with Angela Whitehead. This will help prepare members for the theory part of the Road Rider Achievement Badge. Exact details still tbc - timing 6.30 to 7.30pm. Not yet bookable.

Saturday 29th May - Road Rider Achievement Badge with Angela Whitehead. Timings, venue and cost still tbc but members wishing to take their C Test will need to have trained for and passed this badge. Not yet bookable.

End of May half term - exact date and venue tbc but we are planning to hold a C Test exam for those that are ready and wanting to take their test. Not yet bookable.

Pls follow the link for the C Test Syllabus:

Any questions please contact Lorna Thwaites on lornajthwaites@gmail.com

09 March, 2021

Show jumping rally at Felbridge - 13th April

I will be running a showjumping rally on Tuesday 13th April at Felbridge.

For those jumping up to 75cm this will cost £20 and will be instructed by Alice Coulton

For those jumping above 75cm it will cost £25 and instructed by Ben Leathers.


Places are limited and are available for booking on our website.

If you have any questions please contact me on 0781 6580322


Candy x

E/D rally Plumpton - from Shevaun Emeny

The E/D/D+ rally  on 3rd April is now available to book on the SDHE website. The junior rally will last for one hour from 10.00. Esmee Luckett will be instructing.  This rally is intended for any of our junior members.

Hope to see you there. Thankyou


C level rally 3rd April at Plumptonn College

Dear all,

The C level rally is now available to book on the SDHEPC website - Senior Rally, 3rd April, at Plumpton College.
The rally will last for one hour and and as we have quite a lot of people interested we may be running 2 groups (1 to 2pm and 2pm to 3pm approx).
Polly Thom is instructing and the cost is £12.50 per person.
This rally is intended for people wishing to prepare for their C test efficiency test, which has a recommended min. age of 11 years.
Any questions, please email Lorna Thwaites on lornajthwaites@gmail.com ??
We will be holding a further C level rally on Sunday 25th April - also at Plumpton College with Polly Thom.

Best Wishes


06 March, 2021

C level rally Saturday 3rd April

C Test Level Rally - Saturday April 3rd, Plumpton College - with Polly Thom instructing. 
Time tbc (but likely to be mid-day/early afternoon).

If you are already working towards your C test efficiency badge or are ready to start, then please come to this ridden rally. At the moment we are just finalising the details of exact timings and costs but please leave a comment or pm me if you are wanting to attend.
The minimum age for this test is 11 years and you need to have passed your D+ level to take the test. You will also need to have passed your Riding and Road Safety before you can be awarded the C test certificate, but if you haven't done your Road Safety yet you can still attend the rally.
We are planning a further C test level rally at the end of April, and then hope to hold a test date during the May half term.
Please have a look at the C test riding syllabus to understand more about what is involved at this level. 

Any questions please contact Lorna Thwaites on lornajthwaites@gmail.co.uk

05 March, 2021

Letter of our members - from Anne Cook, District Commissioner

Dear Members, Parents and Carers,
As the Government starts to ease us out of Lockdown, Southdown Hunt East Pony Club are excited about the prospect of resuming ridden rallies. We recently ran a series of Zoom Stable Management Rallies which have been very well attended and it's been lovely to reach so many of you virtually - but we can't wait to start seeing our members again in person.
However, I am emailing you all to tell you of some difficulties facing our branch of the Pony Club. For a variety of reasons, not least the impact of the COVID pandemic, our membership numbers have significantly declined. Some members have moved to neighbouring branches and some have not renewed their membership. This year our membership is lower than normal,  5 years ago we had over 200!
As your District Commissioner, I feel very passionately about the future of this branch. I have followed in the footsteps of my mother, Margaret Sheffield who was DC for 24 years and involved in the Pony Club for most of her life.
This week I met with the Committee and we have all agreed that we need to take action now to keep our branch alive for future generations. We have fantastic facilities and venues on our doorstep and we don't want our young equestrians having to travel to branches further afield.
But we cannot be the Pony Club branch we want to be, without the help and support of you, the parents and carers of our members. This Branch is yours and we need you to be an active part of it.
For this reason, the Committee are asking the following:
? Would you like to become a Committee Member and help shape the SDHE branch of the Pony Club?
? Could you become a rally or event organiser? We need people to come forward to take on the organisation of rallies in different disciplines, either as a one off or a series of events?
? Would you like to be involved with the organisation of this year's Pony Club Camp? We are hoping that residential camps will be allowed to go ahead this year and we need volunteers to come forward to be involved with the planning, organisation and running of camp. We want to ensure our camps are kept fresh and relevant and welcome your ideas and suggestions.
The Committee would very much appreciate you becoming an active volunteer. People are often worried about the time commitment but the more volunteers we have, the more evenly this workload can be spread. There are no paid members of staff in Pony Club Branches - everything is run by volunteers offering their skills, time and experience. What a branch can provide for its members is dependent on having willing and enthusiastic volunteers.
The Southdown Hunt East Pony Club values its members and we need you to make it the best it can be. Please join with us to make this Branch one that everyone in this area wants to be part of.
The Committee is currently preparing a survey to better understand what our members want from their membership so we can set priorities. We are organising some ridden activities over the Easter Holidays and will be asking our members to get involved online sharing pictures of themselves and their ponies on our private Facebook and Instagram pages. After this long enforced separation we want to start to get to know each other again!
For more information or an informal chat please contact myself, Candy Robbins, Polly Thom or Lorna Thwaites.
With best wishes
Anne Cook, District Commissioner, Southdown Hunt East Pony Club

03 March, 2021

Zoom C+ stable management this Thursday

hursday zoom for C + 6.30-7.30pm with Angela for those who got cancelled last week but also open now on the website for anyone else who wants to join in too.     Kind regards    Polly Thom

01 March, 2021

Area 11 Show Jumping Training with Ernest Dillon

This covering note from Abby Bernard should have accompanied the previous e-mail - sorry.  Mike

Dear All,


Please see the flyer attached with Booking form for the opportunity for our older members to have a subsidised training session with top Show Jumping Coach Ernest Dillon. The younger ones will have the opportunity to train with BHS Level 5 Coach Michaela Tomlinson. This training is subsidised by the Area so that we can give our members a really special event at a low price. 


Anyone booking on must have the approval of their DC.


Please encourage members to respond promptly as I am sure this will be popular.


Keep Safe & Well. 


Abby Bernard
Area 11 Representative

(I do not respond to emails at the Weekend, if you need to get hold of me urgently please text or call my mobile)

Area 11 Show Jumping Training with Ernest Dillon

Area 11 Show Jumping Training Day

Tuesday 6th April 2021


Felbridge Showground, Copthorne Rd, Felbridge, East Grinstead. RH19 2NU



Ernest Dillon FBHS and Michaela Tomlinson

First groups 10am and last groups 3.30pm


Ernest Dillon is highly qualified, being one of the few Show Jumping Specialist Fellows of The British Horse Society. He is a UKCC Level Three Showjumping coach and an Accredited BS Coach. He is also a British Eventing Master Coach and a UKCC Coach Educator. He is based in Buckinghamshire and teaches throughout the UK and worldwide.

Ernest will teach in the Bill Kear Arena and will teach groups from 90cm up to 1.10m (confident and wishing to compete at 90cm or above this season). Groups of 4 for one hour. Cost £20.


Michaela Tomlinson was an active Pony Club member, passing her A Test aged 18. Her passion was eventing and she competed up to Advanced level including Blenheim CCI*** and Burghley CCI****. Michaela now competes her horses at showjumping internationally and is a Level 5 BHS coach. She is also the Chief Instructor for Old Surrey & Burstow Hunt PC Branch and has successfully coached numerous riders over many years. She works on basic principles to gain confidence between horse and rider.

Michaela will teach in the resurfaced "rubber" arena, using gymnastic exercises including polework, canter rails and bounces and linking them all together to help both horse and rider prepare for the season ahead. She will teach groups from 60cm up to 80cm (wishing to compete at 70cm, 80cm or 90cm this season). Groups of 4 for one hour. Cost £10.


This training day has been generously subsidised by Area 11.


Name of Member:      




PC Branch:


Most recent Pony Club Test taken:


What height are you jumping at home?


At what height can you confidently complete a full course of show jumps including doubles and spreads? Must be a minimum height of 90cm for Ernest and 60cm for Michaela.


Which session are you applying for?


Are you a member of BS?


Horse Registered Name


Contact email address


Contact mobile number


District Commissioner or Branch Coach to confirm ability as described above and confirm current Pony Club membership.


Cost per member £20 for Ernest Dillon, £10 for Michaela Tomlinson.  Payment directly by BACS to the Old Surrey & Burstow Hunt Branch Bank account upon confirmation of place.


Completed form to be emailed to Caroline Matthews at: oldsurreyburstow@pcuk.org via your DC to book your place. You must be a current member of The Pony Club when booking.


Places offered on a first come, first served basis on receipt of the form.

Wildlife achievement badges

Achievement badges     Just to remind you all that if you attended the achievement badge and wanted to receive your badge please return your completed forms to Angela ASAP.    I understand she gave you a worksheet to complete and there is a few withstanding.  Please complete as I'm ordering badges and don't want you to miss out!    Kind regards    Polly Thom