18 March, 2021

C level rallies and dates - from Lorna Thwaites

Dear all,

If you are working at C test level and/or wishing to take your C test here are some rallies and dates for you:

Saturday 3rd April - Working Rally C level with Polly Thom instructing, held at Plumpton College - due to numbers already booked on, this is likely to be run as two groups, 1pm to 2pm and 2pm to 3pm. Bookings will close one week before the rally so groups can be planned. Available to book on the SDHE PC website.

Sunday April 25th - Working Rally C level with Polly Thom instructing, held at Plumpton College. This will be primarily a ridden rally with some horse and pony care at the start/end of the rally. Available to book on the SDHE PC website.

Wednesday 26th May - Online ZOOM rally for Road Rider Achievement Badge with Angela Whitehead. This will help prepare members for the theory part of the Road Rider Achievement Badge. Exact details still tbc - timing 6.30 to 7.30pm. Not yet bookable.

Saturday 29th May - Road Rider Achievement Badge with Angela Whitehead. Timings, venue and cost still tbc but members wishing to take their C Test will need to have trained for and passed this badge. Not yet bookable.

End of May half term - exact date and venue tbc but we are planning to hold a C Test exam for those that are ready and wanting to take their test. Not yet bookable.

Pls follow the link for the C Test Syllabus:

Any questions please contact Lorna Thwaites on lornajthwaites@gmail.com

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