27 November, 2020

C test horse and pony care zoom rally Thursday 10th December - from Lorna Thwaites

PLS LET ME KNOW IF YOU WANT TO ATTEND - email lornajthwaites@gmail.com
This is not yet on the system to book.
Thursday 10th December 6.30 to 7.30pm
??C Test 'HORSE AND PONY CARE' Stable Management 'ZOOM' rally ?? with Angela Whitehead
If you are working towards your C-test, or are just interested in increasing your stable management knowledge, please join this rally. There will be further C level ZOOM rallies organised to enable those who are ready, to take their C Test.
The Objectives of the C Test Horse and Pony Care are:
To have a knowledge and care of a pony off grass
To be in control of a pony on the roads and in the Countryside
The cost will be confirmed once we have an idea on numbers??

06 November, 2020

Full B Test Pass

Hi All

I would like to congratulate Emma Robbins who has now passed the Full B Test, after successfully completing the Care part last week and the Riding at the end of August.  I am sure you will agree this is a great achievement.


05 November, 2020

Pony Club activities and covid

Dear All  I hope you are all keeping safe and well.  In accordance with the email from Head Office sent to you all on 2nd November, all pony club face to face activities in England must be put on hold for the next 4 weeks from Thursday 5th November until Wednesday 2nd December.   There is no guidance that we are aware of to stop riding but please avoid activities with an increased risk. Unnecessary travel is to be avoided, including lessons or training and transporting your horse for anything other than emergency care.   We must comply with this new guidance to help limit the spread of the virus.  If you have paid for any rallies during November, you will get a refund.   Thank you.  Anne